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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. K

    I'm bummed

    I just made a basic 2lb batch of OO and CO, added China Rain scent, made my lovely swirls, poured into a loaf mold, went to go clean up, and I found my dish with the 2 tbsp castor oil. I was SUPPOSED to add at trace, but forgot.....bummed. Well, this is my 1st batch I have messed up (out of 4...
  2. K

    Where to find Palm Oil & PKO

    Newbie here, made 3 - 3lb batches of CP Soap and I am another addict to join this forum. Can someone tell me a name brand of Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil. I know where to buy this online, but can this be purchased in the grocery store? If so, I would like a name brand and have my corner store...