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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. SoaperForLife

    The word association game

  2. SoaperForLife

    The word association game

  3. SoaperForLife

    Results of market yesterday

    You should do a sale if you have a venue or a website, to get rid of your old stock. I do one the beginning of December and sell out of most of my inventory.
  4. SoaperForLife

    The word association game

  5. SoaperForLife

    Lotion Bars - a question?

    Lotion bars don't need preservatives.. you can package them sustainably so no plastic involved... they are made with just the "good stuff", no water which could be perceived as a filler if you marketed that way.
  6. SoaperForLife

    Could use help on this one.

    If the reviews are not great it probably isn't going to morph into something stronger or better..
  7. SoaperForLife

    A tip for labeling lip balms.

    Geez... I have always used the 1.8 x 1.8 labels for my lip balms without having any problems. The 1.8 labels don't overlap and don't cover up the mechanism. After applying the labels, I use the t-perf shrink bands making sure that the perforation lines up with the juncture of the cap and tube.
  8. SoaperForLife

    The 4-letter game

    Brand new vegan grits SPOT
  9. SoaperForLife

    The word association game

  10. SoaperForLife

    Fall Shows

    WOW - you guys are good! I have most of my May/June shows covered for soap. I have been focused on my sustainably packaged deodorant bars (packaging, labels, etc) and then I have to switch gears and start working on making syndet shampoo and conditioner bars and finalizing packaging for them.
  11. SoaperForLife

    Hello from Pennsylvania!

    Hey! I used to live in Denver (Lancaster Cty) and my brother used to live in Shillington. Small world!
  12. SoaperForLife

    Hello from Pennsylvania!

    Welcome Sarah! I am up in Tioga County - near Wellsboro, Pa.
  13. SoaperForLife

    Bits of stuff in soap

    Being the grinch that I am, I can not stand soaps with dried flowers on top! It's not pretty and serves absolutely no purpose other than to float around in the water and get stuck in the drain. Colloidal oatmeal is okay in soap as is a few bits of orange or lemon peel. Corn meal makes for a...
  14. SoaperForLife

    The word association game

  15. SoaperForLife

    The word association game

  16. SoaperForLife

    Trying to understood Lye water master batching

    At the risk of sounding like an idiot, why do people master batch lye?
  17. SoaperForLife

    The word association game

  18. SoaperForLife

    The 4-letter game

    Owen ate the steak NITS
  19. SoaperForLife

    What kind of cutter is this?

    Nope, sorry but that is very cool!
  20. SoaperForLife

    most interesting experience yet

    I have found that if you add some of the warmed oil to an FO it will stop it from ricing. The red clover tea FO that I use rices big time but this method really works well to curtail it.