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  1. G

    Best Way To Package CP Soap For Sale

    Shrink Wrap Paul, is there a certain way to use the heat gun? Do you start in the front, then the back or what order works best for you? Thanks for sharing.
  2. G

    GA soaper- new to this site

    I live about 40 miles south of the Atlanta Motor Speedway in the small town of Thomaston. edco76, I travel thru your neck of the woods to visit my DD in Tenn. She is an active duty Naval Chief. Soapmaker Man, I purchased your "tank" yesterday. Thanks to all for the warm welcome!
  3. G

    GA soaper- new to this site

    I have been lurking and I really like you guys. This forum is very active and loaded with lots of helpful info. Thanks for allowing me to join and I am sure I will enjoy.