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  1. GuacamoleSalad

    Washing tips?

    Thank you all, this is wonderful!
  2. GuacamoleSalad

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Okay I realize this was nine years ago but if you still have sandalwood fragrance notes, I am interested in what you found out! I used a Candle Science sandalwood in the batch I unmolded this morning but I don't have anything to compare it with.
  3. GuacamoleSalad

    Seventh Batch

    Thank you! The red is still a bit of a conundrum: it looks more pink than I want, and I wonder if it's because it didn't gel. But I'm still so new that everything's an experiment, so really ... who cares? I was just trying for some kind of look that complements a sandalwood smell.
  4. GuacamoleSalad

    Seventh Batch

    Thank you! I am. Really enjoying this whole learning curve. :)
  5. GuacamoleSalad

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Well, I did post the photo, but it got moved to the photos forum. Here it is in case you were on tenterhooks but not looking in the photos forum:
  6. GuacamoleSalad

    Seventh Batch

    I've cut it while it was still soft, which I think is the source of the lines on the ridges. I'll take a correction if you're seeing something else in that though.
  7. GuacamoleSalad

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Thank you! I've made two batches with colors and two batches with fragrances but I've never combined them before. Also I'm changing my recipe all the time. It is kind of cool to change just a thing or two at a time and see what happens. :)
  8. GuacamoleSalad

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made my first soap with both colorants and fragrance, and also my first hanger swirl. Seventh batch ever. Will show it when I cut it no matter how weird it looks!
  9. GuacamoleSalad

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Shoot. I think I was wrong when I responded earlier. I do think it was a medium trace. Sorry about that! I'm getting my batches mixed up! I think I was able to sort of lay the stripes down on top of each other rather than them going straight to the bottom.
  10. GuacamoleSalad

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    It's not a soapy thing I did, but a signal of how soapy my life is becoming: my spouse said today, "I never know anymore whether it's food or soap in this kitchen."
  11. GuacamoleSalad

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I think I would have to say light trace? I don't know, I've only made five batches at this point. But it was very liquidy.
  12. GuacamoleSalad

    Testing liquid soap?

    How can I tell if my liquid soap is ... soaping? I made a castile soap paste yesterday for the first time and it's still quite cloudy in solution with water, but it's been on the heat/ mixing and hydrating for more than 12 hours so I don't think it's going to get less cloudy. I think it's fully...
  13. GuacamoleSalad

    First liquid soap has turned into a rock

    Oh! Thank you! & thank you also! Don't know what I would do without y'all. Ali, how does one test for zaps with liquid soap? I'll look around in here too but figure you might answer faster than I can find it.
  14. GuacamoleSalad

    First liquid soap has turned into a rock

    No way! It was supposed to cook for 2-3 hours and it only cooked for 15 minutes. That's wild. But it does look translucent. I'm not sure I trust that it's all the way done - might see if it gets clearer in solution as I keep it warm and add water. Thank you.
  15. GuacamoleSalad

    First liquid soap has turned into a rock

    Broken up, mixed with hot water, off the heat. Fingers crossed.
  16. GuacamoleSalad

    First liquid soap has turned into a rock

    Live posting a soaping disaster: I'm operating under the theory that the cooker was too hot, and/or there wasn't enough water in. I've turned the cooker off and poured in some hot water, hoping it will dissolve some of the rock soap into itself and eventually make the batch pliable again.
  17. GuacamoleSalad

    First liquid soap has turned into a rock

    Good morning! I tried to make a liquid soap paste today with 100% olive oil. I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't put it through a lye calculator myself and just used someone else's recipe. Whoops. 32 oz olive oil 11.6 oz water 6.5 oz KOH 8 oz glycerin I blended it all up in the pot, closed it...
  18. GuacamoleSalad

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Making my first liquid castile soap. I imagine this should go in the "liquid soap" forum but (a) I don't see any thread like this one over there, and (b) I only made it because I don't have the oils I really want for making my next batch of bars. Still, an excellent experience! I grew up with...
  19. GuacamoleSalad

    Soap Dipping

    "Northern lights" was my first thought. Nice work!
  20. GuacamoleSalad

    "blacksmith" fragrance help

    This is SO helpful. Thank you!!