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  1. Lin

    CP soap vs glycerin soap for leather cleaning?

    D, I think you're going back too far in history. From the 90s upward what's been most known and used as saddle soap was pucks of glycerin soap in tins. Around the 00s liquid leather "cleansers" became popular. Including ones that claimed to clean and condition in one step, claimed to restore...
  2. Lin

    CP soap vs glycerin soap for leather cleaning?

    Thanks! I haven't been great but working on it. Short version of the story is my GI system shut down due to my genetic disorder. Became malnourished and required IV fluids and had a feeding tube placed. I couldn't tolerate the formula either since it's not just my stomach (the tube bypasses the...
  3. Lin

    CP soap vs glycerin soap for leather cleaning?

    Bump? Even if you know nothing of leather and cleaning it, how about cp vs homemade glycerin soap?
  4. Lin

    CP soap vs glycerin soap for leather cleaning?

    I hope this is an OK section to use. First up, are there differences besides the adding sugar, glycerin, and alcohol? What changes in the soap does this make outside of translucence and higher glycerin content? Especially physiologically and in use. Glycerin soap was the original saddle soap...
  5. Lin

    Does homemade soap disinfect at all ??

    One of the big preventatives of bacterial infection is the good bacteria in the body. Being too obsessive with being clean inside and out will get rid of the healthy bacteria that your body depends on and allow pathogenic bacteria to take over. Anyone on oral antibiotics should take probiotics...
  6. Lin

    Must Have Supplies?

    Lol, guess I don't have to feel bad for not directly linking them.
  7. Lin

    Must Have Supplies?

    Check out your local Dollar tree. That's where most of my supplies are from. Large pitcher bowls, multiple plastic 4 cup measuring cups, silicone spatulas, etc. You won't want to use the same plastic or silicone items for soap and cooking. Fragrance oils or essential oils leave permanent scents...
  8. Lin

    Please help w/ my Organic EO list for Lip Balm

    Ditto on the difference between the essential oils and other products. If you want Coffee Lip Balm you can make it from infusing Coffee into your ingredients.
  9. Lin

    What's this on my soap!

    Sorry, I'm on my phone so I can't help too much. But you can Google fat bloom, or chocolate fat bloom to learn more. Basically parts of the cocoa butter separates from the crystalline structure and moves it's way to the surface. There are different theories on exactly what is going on within...
  10. Lin

    Trading vs Selling

    Sorry, my post had nothing to do with registering formulas, I was responding to the first page of discussion on if trading is considered income and is/should be regulated by the government. I didn't realize it was unclear or I'd said anything that sounded like it was referring to registering...
  11. Lin

    Using aloe butter in soap

    Shea Butter seems to be similar in results to Palm. Personally my Shea Butter I buy in bulk (need it for my other products) is also cheaper than purchasing sustainable palm locally so I use it a lot.
  12. Lin

    What's this on my soap!

    It resembles a fat bloom to me, that you get on chocolate for example from the cocoa butter. Since the recipe is butter heavy and it happened before on your Shea Butter soap I wonder if that could be it. I personally wouldn't throw any out. Curiosity, why so much Coconut oil and then added...
  13. Lin

    Lip balm- First time and a disaster

    I haven't sold any Lip Balm yet, but have made it for gifts or to repay people helping me out. Like the amount of soap I've given to my roommate lol. So I usually buy those small packs off eBay so far, and of course reuse my own tubes. For selling you can get them even cheaper in bulk amounts...
  14. Lin

    Trading vs Selling

    I personally disagree with the government being involved in something like a personal trade, or selling personal possessions on eBay. I say personal to distinguish between those using it as a business. For example, a few years ago I was downsizing and selling a bunch of stuff on eBay. I moved...
  15. Lin

    Rebatching and grating soap

    What difference does freezing make? I want a salad shooter. My roommate has one of those hand crank attach to the counter salad things. It makes my Parmesean shreds too thick though, at least for my pesto cream sauce. I ended up having to take the stainless steel shaft Stick blender for...
  16. Lin

    Anyone make cheese?

    That's pretty much what I'm going to start out doing, but the starter is required for other types of cheese. So if it improves taste and texture and I can get a good price in some sort of semi bulk.... I'm extremely frugal by necessity lol.
  17. Lin

    could my soap be breaking me out?

    I don't understand the point of posting a bunch of information on poison ivy that says the same thing I said when I was merely using it as an analogy and it isn't the main topic. I've also studied allergies as pre med.
  18. Lin

    The dog ate my lotion bar...

    Oh Yea. My dog Emma took bites out of 2 bars of soap that I'd purchased. My bf still cracks up about it, saying how she was all "mmm, this smells good! Good enough to eat! *chomp* oh Yuck, it tastes like soap. Mmm, this one smells good enough to eat too! *chomp*" I've also lost a lot of...
  19. Lin

    Does homemade soap disinfect at all ??

    You don't need soap to kill bacteria. In fact antibacterial soaps cause more problems than they help, but I won't get into that. Studies show antibacterial soaps versus regular soaps make no difference in the amount of bacteria on the hands left after washing. What DOES make a difference is...
  20. Lin

    Help soap-tastrophe

    I purposefully mixed Coconut oil with water before to clean it. I had been doing a coffee infusion and forgot to turn the Crock pot off, burning it. So I washed the oil in a salt water brine on the stove. It took 3 washings to become white again and not smell like burnt Coffee. To do it I...