Hi @JuLeeRenee thanks. I've made batches of both lard and veg and now I'm patiently awaiting to see/smell the outcome. So far, they seem neck and neck but it's only been about a week.
Which lime do you use?
I know a lot of it comes down to the quality of the oils, percentages used, FO vs EO as well as the recipe itself...
But does one (lard or plant based) "bind" to the FO/EO better than the other to have a longer lasting scent?
I just looked on RE. Black Cherry usage is at 0.81% . Was is that low to begin with or is this the latest IFRA50 usage rate?
I have a couple of oils in my basket and was looking for a couple others... at least in the 5% - 6% range.
Thanks @glendam Any idea as to why on their FO calculator it says to use 4%?
It's kind of confusing, to me anyway, why there's 3 different percentages.