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  1. grayceworks

    Does this 50% shea butter soap recipe sound good enough to make enough to sell?

    the color from the olive oil will probably lighten up with time, and it won't be so greenish anymore. might be a tad off-white from the cocoa butter. I love the smell of the natural shea in soap! I know I've mentioned that, but I just really really do. lol
  2. grayceworks

    AcornSky's Troubleshooting First Batch

    I have a recipe, the very first one I ever made, and although I liked it, hubby didn't as there was very little bubbly lather after the 4wk cure -- it was all creamy lotion lather. I tucked it away and forgot about it for a few months... just started using it last month, and was surprised to...
  3. grayceworks

    just experimenting, interesting results

    Oh! I like my newest batch. I haven't diluted yet, waiting on my jugs to get here... but I took a pinch of it and washed my hair with it -- I can sorta smell the neem while it's wet, but I can with the bar soap too, so that's not a big deal. The tea tree and jasmine work well enough to offset...
  4. grayceworks

    just experimenting, interesting results

    Some EO's will just sit there afterwards, helps if you add them while the soap is warm. Most mix in ok though. Some types of liquid soap require more dilution than others to actually dissolve and stop forming that icky skin on top. Some are well diluted while still kinda viscous, but some get...
  5. grayceworks

    Selling soap making software?

    I would be interested. Not everyone uses windoze lol. I'm on linux and android, except at work, where I obviously would not install personal software. And having the recipes accessible anywhere natively is a good feature, eliminating the extra step of exporting and uploading to a cloud server...
  6. grayceworks

    Want to stop using palm oil, how to finish what I have left?

    I have searched and searched, and all I can find is that a few years ago, they reformulated just like Crisco did, to eliminate hydrogenated vegetable oils. Although Crisco still contains some, and Cookeen has completely eliminated them. Based on this, and the following fatty acid profile chart...
  7. grayceworks

    Anyone offer custom made soaps?

    Yes, payment up front, just like any other purchase. And a minimum order, for a custom loaf. Maybe the option to save their recipe for future re-orders. Might be a good idea to have only a couple choices of base, normal and extra conditioning maybe? And have those premade, so you can just melt...
  8. grayceworks

    Want to stop using palm oil, how to finish what I have left?

    I always use unrefined shea in mine, it is white. I don't think it needs much, if any scent, as the natural shea scent survives but a tropical scent might be nice with it... I like jasmine or tuberose or honeysuckle too.
  9. grayceworks

    Want to stop using palm oil, how to finish what I have left?

    Melt and stir once, divide the mixed palm into containers or bags in amounts you commonly use. Then you will kniw that all the amounts are mixed and the same. :-)
  10. grayceworks

    Does this 50% shea butter soap recipe sound good enough to make enough to sell?

    This is a recipe discussion that we've managed to spread out over about 3 threads lol. He's aware of the potential cost and possible drawbacks, but is experimenting with possible substitutes for palm that aren't lard or tallow, so he's testing mango and shea. :-)
  11. grayceworks

    Want to stop using palm oil, how to finish what I have left?

    I haven't tried the refined shea yet. I like the scent of the unrefined too much. I might get some with my next order and see what I think.
  12. grayceworks

    Does this 50% shea butter soap recipe sound good enough to make enough to sell?

    Try this: 50% shea butter 20% coconut oil 15% olive oil 7% cocoa butter 8% castor oil Same bubbly, a bit more long-lasting, a tad more conditioning, less cleansing so it won't be as drying from the coconut. Always make a test batch before putting stuff up for sale... You may not like it...
  13. grayceworks

    Transporting product

    Here's the youtube video that I remember:
  14. grayceworks

    Farmers market woes!!!!

    But... but... Now I'm CURIOUS!
  15. grayceworks

    Transporting product

    Are you using the appropriate ink type for the labels? ie: laser labels only work well with laser printers, inkjet labels work best with WATERPROOF inkjet ink when on glossy labels. Something I saw in a tutorial, for helping to keep the labels nice with any kind of label/printer combo. Use...
  16. grayceworks

    Wow, tried this Euro salt recipe, love it!

    Ok, I think I might try it in my next batch. Thanks! :) BTW, sorry about the scary bunnies... I just couldn't resist. It was my evil twin, she made me do it. :angel:
  17. grayceworks

    Looking for a scent

    One that's pretty close is the one that resembles "Heaven Sent" perfume. they make a "Heaven Sent" type fragrance oil. Smells just like baby powder.
  18. grayceworks

    Making Soap from Washing Soda?

    Ok, so I was cleaning out some of my cupboards recently, and found a can of powdered calcium hydroxide with calcium carbonate, and minor amounts of various oils like olive and almond -- not enough to wet the powder, so they must be miniscule. Anyhow, I remembered this thread, about using...
  19. grayceworks

    Soapmaking in an Apartment? Allowed?

    Depends on your lease, depends on the zoning for the area, whether they allow certain types of home-based businesses, depends on your renter's insurance, depends on the applicable laws in the state you're moving to. Some states have different rules than others about whether you're allowed to...