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  1. hmlove1218

    Formulating melt and pour recipes

    Bear in mind that I'm not an MP guru lol. The typical guideline for adding oils or butters is 1 top - 1 tbsp per pound of base. Anything much over that, as you've seen, can really cut down the lather. Once you've cut the lather, the only remedy is to add more base to bring the butter/oil amount...
  2. hmlove1218

    Rave reviews of this soap on amazon...why?

    That soap would actually be qualified as a drug by the FDA as they are making several medial claims about the ingredients used. It can't legally be sold. However, the ingredients read as if it's nothing more than SFIC glycerin soap, perhaps with a few additives.
  3. hmlove1218

    Making Aloe Vera Oil?

    Hopefully so! I know how to get the gel, but I'm not sure about the juice
  4. hmlove1218

    Sodium citrate from baking soda and citric acid

    I'm trying to wrap my brain around this as all these numbers have made my head spin lol. 1) How did you arrive at a total of 268 g SC after the reaction for above recipe? 2) After the reaction, subtract SC from total weight to get current water weight and then add water (if needed) to result in...
  5. hmlove1218

    Making Aloe Vera Oil?

    According to WSP's website, their aloe vera oil is mineral oil, coconut oil, and aloe extract. Can I make my own by mixing aloe powder with a liquid oil?
  6. hmlove1218

    Help formulating a conditioner

    *facepalm* didn't even think know about poking around on swiftcraft monkey! I've made conditioners from her website before, but my hair didn't seem any different using them as opposed to not
  7. hmlove1218

    Wazzup Yall!

    Definitely a sexy looking mold lol
  8. hmlove1218

    "Oil & Vinegar" sodium acetate in soap experiment

    ^^ I second this! Please keep us updated on the results
  9. hmlove1218

    Prayer Request

    Thank you all. I have know this family for a very long time. They are good people and my heart is absolutely breaking for them. I sincerely appreciate every one of you and I know they do as well
  10. hmlove1218

    Help formulating a conditioner

    Ok, this is going to sound weird, but my hair absolutely LOVES my bath bombs.. it's always so soft and shiny after using one. I want to try and make a conditioner that it will hopefully like just as much, but I'm not sure if any of the non-oil ingredients are beneficial to hair as well. My bath...
  11. hmlove1218

    Prayer Request

    A young couple at my church woke up to a living nightmare Saturday morning to discover that their 20 month old son had passed away unexpectedly in his sleep. Please keep this family in your thoughts as their lives have been forever changed.
  12. hmlove1218

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    Couldn't resist ha.
  13. hmlove1218

    In need of some Prayers

    Prayers! My daughter is the same age as your grand baby. I can't imagine what your family is going through right now
  14. hmlove1218

    Bath Bombs for the under 5s

    My kids love them. One is 4 and one is 2. I keep my fragrance under 2% and my molds are a tiny bit smaller than a t ball.
  15. hmlove1218

    Rebatching for over-fragrancing?

    Not to tempt you or anything, but I've seen some extremely artistic HP soaps that looked fluid enough to have been CP.. lol
  16. hmlove1218

    Valentine's soaps

    Those are very cute!
  17. hmlove1218


  18. hmlove1218

    Where to cure HP scented soaps?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this the batch you used 2 oz of FO in a 2 lb batch? If you don't like strong scents, I would personally unmold it and chop or shred it up, mix up another batch of soap and leave it unscented, then add in this batch and cook them together. It's called rebatching...
  19. hmlove1218

    How much "Oatmeal, milk, & honey" FO to add?

    I'd ask them for a copy of the IFRA datasheet, not their own opinion. Typos happen as do misinformed comments
  20. hmlove1218

    I'm Beginning to Resent Detergent

    Traderbren, I love that! It's so organized and looks perfect for taking on the go and even having multiple scents to choose from lol.