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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. coastmutt

    Beginners! What're your favorite soap methods?

    sounds great, I'll have to check it out!
  2. coastmutt

    Beginners! What're your favorite soap methods?

    Can't wait to see it! I've been toying with the idea of pride flag soaps for this June.
  3. coastmutt

    Hello from Germany!

    welcome to the forum! I hope to see pictures of your soaps, and wish you the best of luck!
  4. coastmutt


    Hi everyone, I figured now it's due that I post an introduction! My name is Jamie, I live in Western Massachusetts, and my interest in soapmaking started about two years ago! Recently, I've been getting back into my soap and candlemaking hobbies, and figured that I should start a real business...
  5. coastmutt

    Last Cut of 2020

    in love with these colors!! happy 2021 🥂
  6. coastmutt

    Recommendations for a new loaf cutter?

    that sounds great, thanks so much! I'll see what I think, but it sounds perfect for what I need.
  7. coastmutt

    Soap candles?

    I would definitely check the flammability on the fragrances used in the soaps, however that shouldn't be too much of an issue. I think it could be a fun DIY, and if not, a fun science experiment! just try not to burn your house down...
  8. coastmutt

    Recommendations for a new loaf cutter?

    Hey everyone! Recently I've found myself enjoying some festive molds, however I do think it is time for me to reopen shop and start doing loaf sized batches again. There's just one problem, however, my ol' reliable wire cutter leaped off my work table and broke, I'm totally stuck on where to buy...
  9. coastmutt

    Beginners! What're your favorite soap methods?

    yes yes yes! i know exactly how you feel my friend.
  10. coastmutt

    Looking for cupcake molds

    I find the silicone molds work the best and will hold a shape better than anything else, especially the ones made for baking or candy, since they're better suited for temperature changes.
  11. coastmutt

    Wintertime Soap - peppermint

    very nice! i love that the igloo mold, that's perfect for this season. ❄
  12. coastmutt

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Started designing a summer-y soap batch to lift my spirits about the current weather here! I might need to order more FO though...🧼
  13. coastmutt

    Beginners! What're your favorite soap methods?

    I've heard some good things about Mad Micas! I'll have to give them a shot sometime, they seem to have a really nice selection. :thumbup:
  14. coastmutt

    Issue with weird ring around the edge of candles

    This is called 'Frosting', and is an indicator that your soy wax is 100% natural! It is the natural crystallization of the wax. You can prevent this by playing with your pour temperature (only adjust in small increments), and making sure the place you leave them to set has a stable, warm...
  15. coastmutt

    Beginners! What're your favorite soap methods?

    Personally, I love cold process making, and hanger swirls! My favorite colors to use are greens and blues, I find my batches to be more attractive when I use them together. Brambleberry's mica powders are my personal favorite.
  16. coastmutt

    Lard vs Shortening

    Nice lather! Do you find any difference in between your recipes? (ie, does goat's milk have a smoother lather compared to batches without it?)