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  1. H

    Dealing with competitors at a fair

    I just did a fair this weekend also, and had a similar experience with the daughter of a competitor soapmaker passing by with her phone, trying to secretly (but not so secretly) snap pictures and video of my display. At first, I felt really angry, but then I reminded myself to take it as a...
  2. H

    Location of "Soap" on Labels?

    Thanks for all the great ideas. I don't know why, but packaging totally stresses me out. I am doing a fair in 2 weeks and trying to decide on packaging. I won't be doing these boxes because I just don't have enough time to make them for soooo many bars. I might just shrink wrap with a sticker...
  3. H

    Sprinkled salt pulling water?

    Thanks, I didn't know that about Dead Sea salt and soap. If I want to achieve this look again, is there a better salt I could use ?
  4. H

    Sprinkled salt pulling water?

    I was so pleased with my Margarita Lime soaps, sprinkled with course Dead Sea salt on top, until... I checked on them today to find large beads of water pooled on top of the soaps. I dabbed it with a paper towel, and it does appear to be water. Do you think the salt is pulling water from the...
  5. H

    Where do you cure your soaps?

    Since FO/EO's should be stored out of direct sunlight, I would worry that sun drying soap would interfere with the fragrance, and possibly lighten the color. I don't know first hand, but this comes to mind right away as potential problems.
  6. H

    How many have you referred?

    I'm with AnnaMarie...I wish I knew more people IRL who wanted to talk soap. Unfortunately, I think my friends and family get tired of me talking about a great new swirl I mastered, new FOs, and packaging dilemmas. This forum has been a great resource full of super helpful, like minded soapers. I...
  7. H


    I really struggle with pricing. If I were to sell my soap for straight wholesale at 50%, it seems like I would barely be making a profit. I sell most of my bars for $6, so $3 barely seems worth it. Then again, I have friends always telling me I should raise my prices because they see a lot of...
  8. H

    Discoloration time?

    I very rarely work with high vanilla content FO's because I hate messing with discoloration. However, I really wanted to make Warm Vanilla Sugar with a 19% vanilla content, so I knew I would have to work with the D, not against it. I added no colorant to the bottom layer...just FO. The middle...
  9. H


    This is perfect timing, and I too have recently been approached about doing consignment at a local shop. We haven't talked numbers yet, so I am very curious about what others are doing. I thought I read somewhere that most consignments are either 40/60 or 50/50 splits, which means I would have...
  10. H

    Floral soap seized...of course

    Aside from the trouble it gave me, I'm not crazy about this fragrance. It smells a little chemical-ish to me...I'll have to try English tea rose. Does it behave well in cp?
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    Floral soap seized...of course

    WSP Victorian Rose...maybe it was just me, because the reviews are awesome.
  12. H

    Floral soap seized...of course

    The pink batter just got thick, but it was still workable. When I was doing the pencil line, I hadn't added the FO to the white batter yet, so I thought things were still okay. When I finished the pencil line, I then added the FO to the white soap. In a matter of seconds, my white batter started...
  13. H

    Floral soap seized...of course

    It didn't turn out too bad! The consistency feels a little bumpier than usual, but otherwise I think it turned out okay...
  14. H

    Do/would you sell crackled soap?

    Thanks DeeAnna...I am going to write that down and stick it in my pocket so I have a solid answer for the curious ones :-) On a related and VERY happy note...I think it was my TD. When I was getting crackle nearly every time, I was using TD that was both water and oil soluble. Got crackle...
  15. H

    Fourth batch of soap ever (random "swirl")

    Love those swirls...very nice!
  16. H

    Rivers Run Through It

    Oh no, I think I jinxed you! Well, you know what's coming next...embrace the crackle, apparently some people really like it! :-) I hope it was just a one-time fluke for you, but I am also secretly hoping its a sign that the crackle gremlins have left my house! Lol
  17. H

    Floral soap seized...of course

    Lindy, I did fragrance each layer as I went...that's how fast it moved! I am scratching my head all all the reviews that claimed no acceleration. Oh well, I will see how it unfolds tomorrow :-)
  18. H

    Floral soap seized...of course

    I knew going into it that floral FO's tend to seize, but all the reviews of the FO were good and many said it did not accelerate trace. Soooo...I made a rose scented soap today that seized on me! I guess I have been very lucky so far...I have had some fast movers, but none that really get...
  19. H

    Do/would you sell crackled soap?

    Wow, you all sure know how to make a girl feel better about her crackled soap! I am totally going to sell it with a smile and pretend it was the look I was going for :-)
  20. H

    Do/would you sell crackled soap?

    Kansas Farm Girl, thank you, and I would gladly send the Crackle Gremlins your way! I have had my fill of them! :-)