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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Nevada

    where to get lye

    essential depot
  2. Nevada

    an online friend has asked me to make them a patchouli scented soap

    Never cared much for straight Patch. 50/50 Cedarwood/ Patch is much better.
  3. Nevada

    SOAPCALC - What doe these numbers tell you about your soap?

    and those oh so expensive essential oils
  4. Nevada

    Brown Kraft Labels

    You can order just one sheet.
  5. Nevada

    Melt and resolidify Shea?

    When I make lotion sticks I just throw them into the freezer. No crystallization! Swift Crafty Monkey 'splains it well <link>......And why does shea butter go grainy in some creations? Shea butter fractionates when heated, meaning the various fatty acids separate. Given these fatty acids have...
  6. Nevada

    My bug soap

    Ordered Flower Power, Forest, Goodnight, Orchards, Earthen. Dear Wife loves the Orchards, most women do like it. Earth & Forest are a manly blends, nice too with a touch of patch. haven't used the others in over a year. They all do seem to be high quality. Sorry I am not more help:( Roy
  7. Nevada

    My bug soap

    Citronella is a stinky lemon smell. <Here's bug blend link> Orchards & Earth blend is good.
  8. Nevada

    Any suggestions on this recipe?

    30% Coconut is not too much at 8% SF and let it cure > 6 months. Leave out the Shea Butter. A little Palm would helping with unmolding and use 28% water to oils 30% Coconut 20% Lard 10% Palm 40% Olive SF 8% imo, Roy
  9. Nevada

    My bug soap

    How about "Don't BUG me" lotion bars? Citronella, Lavender and Cedarwood.
  10. Nevada

    What type of soaper are you? (humor thread)

    Trans Vegi-Rancher
  11. Nevada

    In a quandry...

    Cutting a loaf at the perfect time and weight is why I went to individual molds.
  12. Nevada

    Sunflower oil

    click here for discussions
  13. Nevada

    The most lather?

    Salt bars! 75% coconut, 25% Lard, 50% Salt yielded the best creamy suds for me yet. Even better after 9 months of curing. Lately I've been using 4% powder goat milk (of total oils) adsorbed into 5% of the (melted) lard and added after emulsion.
  14. Nevada

    Push up "deodorant" tubes - anyone find a good source?
  15. Nevada

    Ready to give up

    providing your recipe and technique would be helpful
  16. Nevada

    Soda Water to increase bubbliness?

    A Water Softener will boost the lather and bubbles even with a Castile!
  17. Nevada

    Roy’s First Pine Tar Soap

    Thank you Rowan. 3 kg batch. Discount in buying 5 gal. It's not like it's going to spoil very soon! The Paint can spout worked very well. I put the Soap pot back on the scale and the pine tar went straight in, no mess! Olive Oil 65%, Coconut 20%, Castor 3%, Pine Tar 12%, SF 6%...
  18. Nevada

    Roy’s First Pine Tar Soap

    Time to make PT# 2
  19. Nevada

    HARD bar recipes?

    Soy wax (melting point 120-130F) may be easier to use than Bees Wax (melting point 144-147F) Any discussion of soap hardness should include Deanna's treatise
  20. Nevada

    Soda Water to increase bubbliness?

    For Lots of foamy Bubbles Lard 35% Olive oil 30% Coconut 30% Castor 5% SF 8 Give it a long cure > 6 months at least