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  1. DucknBear Gracie

    Travel soaps

    Anyone got any ideas on packaging for soaps you could take away on travel with you? Lush do their special tins for their shampoo bars, but I find they always get stuck, even if the bar is dry and its awkward and messy to get out - My idea was maybe shaving a bar with a veggie peeler and then...
  2. DucknBear Gracie

    Coconut fragrance oil - UK

    Fresh skin coconut fragrance oil is a no-go, smells lovely but went solid almost instantly, also discoloured :(
  3. DucknBear Gracie

    Coconut fragrance oil - UK

    I considered, my issue is that Id like it in smaller, almost ice cube sized moulds and when I tried HP a while ago I found it hard to get it neatly into a larger mould, I feel it may super hard to get it into a small mould neatly/safely
  4. DucknBear Gracie

    Thyme essential oil

    I enjoy rosemary as well, I think i'll stick to that for now! I also see basil popping up now and again, have you tried that? I love herby scents but when I think of basil i think of pasta 😂
  5. DucknBear Gracie

    Coconut fragrance oil - UK

    I just looked, they won't ship to my house, Im wondering if they may deliver to my step-dads work place as my house is quite out the way and sometimes places won't deliver to us - hopefully they will as i'm desperate for a decent coconut FO!
  6. DucknBear Gracie

    Coconut fragrance oil - UK

    So... Nikura coconut fragrance oil works perfectly in cold process soap... but it doesn't smell of coconut.. at all! I found that it smelt super almondy, which was delicious, but not what I was looking for - Im not sure if maybe my bottle was mislabelled or something maybe? I am continuing my...
  7. DucknBear Gracie

    Thyme essential oil

    Hello all! I'm wanting to experiment with a couple of essential oil blends for cp soap which have thyme essential oil in - Ive tried to do some research on it as I know it can be irritating and most places suggest using under 1% in order for it to still be safe. I have super sensitive skin and...
  8. DucknBear Gracie

    Coconut fragrance oil - UK

    hmmm... Think I'll give the soap kitchens one a miss! If I'm thinking of the same place, they have pretty high delivery costs, I was going to order some coconut oil from there, however it was so expensive compared to other places! I think my plan will be to order some sample bottles from a...
  9. DucknBear Gracie

    Coconut fragrance oil - UK

    Does anyone know anywhere to get coconut fragrance oil for CP soap in the UK? I've tried mystic moments, however it went solid almost as soon as I added it, I tried to get the solid mass into moulds, however it just crumbled... If anyone has got a coconut FO they stand by and love I would be so...
  10. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    Thank you so much for all this information! Ill spend my day tomorrow reading up on these, I feel better knowing they're probably glycerin rivers, I was super confused when I cut it! I wasn't sure if I liked them much as I didn't what they were, however now I know they're probably glycerin...
  11. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    The swirls on this lot of bars aren’t clearish like they tend to be in pictures of glycerin rivers, they’re a lighter colour of the part it’s in, they go right through the bar as well, i’m just confused as i have a bar that does have some glycerin rivers but it looks so different yes, ignoring...
  12. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    I made this batch yesterday, I can’t really work out whats going on with it, I did some research on glycerin rivers, however it doesn’t really look like any pictures. I did everything as normal, although I am trying a new recipe (I used it the other day as well and other than the essential oil I...