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  1. DucknBear Gracie

    Wire for goodspeed soapcutter

    Does anyone know what wire I need for my goodspeed soap cutter? it’s a big old multi bar one, it came with a spare that I used last year and I snapped another wire earlier this month (don’t cut salt soap with a cutter if it’s been sat out for a week!!!) and I can’t contact the seller as they’ve...
  2. DucknBear Gracie

    old essential oils

    I just found some little bottles of essential oils from when I started making soap, the best before dates are all just passing/passed now in 2022, but it feels like such a waste to just throw them away - most of them have been half used, they smell fine, the citrus ones are maybe a little weaker...
  3. DucknBear Gracie

    Max usage % for ginger EO in CP soap

    I just saw this (very late!) Highly recommend around here, especially around the coast!
  4. DucknBear Gracie

    Keeping pillar moulds up right!

    How do people keep their pillar/column moulds upright to pour in soap/keep them upright once full of soap? When i’m using 1 or 2 I put them in an old jar and lean them against my wall, but i’ve chipped a jar and marked my walls and I feel like there’s someone out there with common sense who has...
  5. DucknBear Gracie

    New to candles

    Thank you for the advice, i’ll check out their videos - I’m currently focusing on selling soaps, but hoping when I have some time I can learn about candles properly - my soap client changed his mind on candles for now (which i’m sort of glad, I think if he asks again in the future I think i’ll...
  6. DucknBear Gracie

    Mixing essential oils and fragrance oils

    ooh, using citrus EO to slow trace is interesting, i’ve had very little luck with any FO all the once’s i’ve tried trace so quickly - I’ll give this ago, this is very helpful advice for me! thank you!
  7. DucknBear Gracie

    UK Members-Help Please

    Hi there! I might be able to help, although i’m not really sure what brut is! If you let me know I can do some searching and see if I can help :)
  8. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    For anyone curious - the culprit was the may chang EO, I had to make some guest soaps and they turned out just fine, so all my oils are fine (phew!) which only leaves may chang (or my micas, however I use them so much and have never had issues so I can rule them out)
  9. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    I use refined - I’m going to make a plain, unscented batch and if anything goes yellow i know it’s one of my oils, if not i’ll assume it’s the may chang EO
  10. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    I use olive oil pomace, which I know has a tint to it, however i’ve never had issues with it effecting colours, it’s normally quite mild even in plain soaps - i’ve been using the same olive oil from the same suppliers almost the entire time i’ve been making soap (I get almost all my ingredients...
  11. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    I found a battered bar at the back of the cupboard (I normally keep them in a box, not sure why this one was out :( ) the designs a bit messy but you can see the colours well! Just may chang! From the same suppliers as last time, probably bought the last bottle and made that batch about a year...
  12. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    I don't know if I have any of the original batch left - I will check my bathroom cupboard when I'm home and add a pic if I find a bar though! That's the order though - I did wonder if it had overheated, however it hadn't cracked on top at all, which is normally what happens! I've never had...
  13. DucknBear Gracie

    what happened to my soap?

    I’ve made this soap once before with no issues (other than it setting quite quickly, which I expected again for this time) and this is my second time making it, the only change is I added less may chang EO and also that it’s very warm everywhere (I don’t know how that could’ve effected the...
  14. DucknBear Gracie

    Mixing essential oils and fragrance oils

    Oooh, coconut and peppermint sounds lovely, are you in the UK? I'm yet to find a decent coconut FO (in fact most the FO I ended up testing weren't great, we went for just EOs, not sure if there's something to using FO that Ive missed maybe!) I had a lady who really wanted coconut B&B soaps and I...
  15. DucknBear Gracie

    New to candles

    Hellooo, I've never made candles before (other than a cute little candle kit I had when I was younger which I adored) and I'm trying to research as I have a soap client who would like candles to match his soaps - the scent is lemon, cedar wood and ginger, I can't find any ginger FO, if anyone...
  16. DucknBear Gracie

    just a little bit disappointing

    Hellooo, I feel like I need to talk about my latest soap and get my disappointment out my system a bit and have a little vent (anyone else get caught up on stuff like this??) I made pride soap, and I love the colours, however my orange layer has this pale area from the heat from the red layer...
  17. DucknBear Gracie

    Ways to test mica colours

    Helloooo Anyone got another way to test mica colours without making a batch of soap? I have a very specific colour (it’s a creamy yellowy greeny yellow) and i’ve made a couple of little batches now but i’m wondering if anyone has any ways they test colours without using up so many supplies? I...
  18. DucknBear Gracie

    Max usage % for ginger EO in CP soap

    Hellooo again Does anyone know the max % for ginger EO in soap? I checked my suppliers IFRA document but it says 46.86% and that seems wayyy to high for any essential oil - from reading other places most people say 1% - just want to check that's right before continuing! Ginger EO is also pretty...
  19. DucknBear Gracie

    Mixing essential oils and fragrance oils

    Helloooo again Anyone have any experience mixing essential oils and fragrance oils in CP soap? I plan on experimenting for myself tomorrow (very exciting! haven't experimented in almost a year now, used to be my favourite thing to do!) but I always love hearing other peoples experiences - I will...
  20. DucknBear Gracie

    Q about max % for fragrance oil

    Hellooo everyone I have a blueberry fragrance that I'd like to use in a soap - However when I checked the IFRA document for the max % it said 58%!!! Does anyone know a more sensible suggestion for how much I should use? I haven't dabbled much in fragrance oils so I don't know how much is a...