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  1. Dahila

    Body Mist %

    9 parts poly 20 1 part EO clear like a creek water ;)
  2. Dahila

    storage and display

    i keep them naked in boxes like that and pack as needed, No problem with the scent, but I never pack my soaps without opening on both sides
  3. Dahila

    Shampoo Bar 'soap puck' molds?

    I swipe mold with silicone then put into freezer for 25 min then unmold it, works ok
  4. Dahila

    Shampoo Bar 'soap puck' molds?

    I use press cause it looks nice and feels nice in my palm. I melt my butter, bmts 50 ro bmts plus, cetyl , and on the very end I add some prills ;) more for the look of that than lather
  5. Dahila

    Shampoo Bar 'soap puck' molds?

    I use hand presser puck, your syndet must be kind of dry to do it. I found the weight the best weight for one puck it is 67 g , it gives me very nice bar, I got new one smaller one so again I will try to get the optimal weight it all depends what mold you use
  6. Dahila

    Body Mist %

    using poly 20 50/50 will not solubize the oils in water, I get super clear sprays using 1 part of oil and 9 parts of poly 20 . It is not sticky
  7. Dahila

    de-funk de pits

    tsp teaspoon tbsp = table spoon. Thanks Cmzaha :) like always I use metric, I thought you use metric to while making lotions. Am I right?
  8. Dahila

    de-funk de pits

    Do you think I do not use emulsifier? Co leaves awful stains so does cocoa butter, The easiest to wash off is babassu oil.
  9. Dahila

    de-funk de pits

    what about stains on clothes from CO, you can not wash it off. I can not use baking soda due the immediate rash, does not matter how little I put there. Laprerielady we do not use tsp here, weight or percentage,
  10. Dahila

    de-funk de pits

    I use in mine E-wax as well and cetyl more or less like you do Howie, works pretty well
  11. Dahila

    What soapy mistake have you made today?

    I have tons of infused oils, I put what is infused with and the date of infusion so I have shelf life right on the information tag
  12. Dahila

    Shaving soap recipe

    HP people add the oil but after cook. Are you making hp soap? If yes you can , but at trace lye will consume it. I used Aloe vera in soap and it is pretty lovely.
  13. Dahila

    Shaving soap recipe

    Adding jojoba oil on trace does not superfat it will be eaten by lye monster like any other oil.
  14. Dahila

    Making Deodorant

    zinc will leave a residue on clothes I believe
  15. Dahila

    Infusing Daisies and Dandelions...

    the OP is infusing daisies and claiming the benefits, Most flowers are toxic daisies maybe are not but benefits of them in oil used for soapmaking; doubt it. It does have label appeal though. However calendula is family of daisies too,
  16. Dahila

    Infusing Daisies and Dandelions...

    Dasies is not camomile,
  17. Dahila

    Infusing Daisies and Dandelions...

    Cold infusion all the way and I do not use it in soap, does not make sense, due the temps not much of benefits survive, but salves yes, I make calendula oil which use for body butter and hand cream ,
  18. Dahila

    Organic mct oil at Costco

    come to Canada, the same bottle is over 30 dollars, in costco
  19. Dahila

    Leucidal Liquid complete and microbial testing...

    No it will not work, I use Suttocide A it works on high ph, but if you use citrusy scents it will get the weird reddish color . Leucidal Liquid Complete, constantly fails microbial testing
  20. Dahila

    To sell, or not to sell...

    Rune , Canadian can sell up 30 thousand before they need to send taxes to government, I mean Canadian citizens , it is different in Europe cause you have EU regulations