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  1. LilyJo

    The B word!!

    Yes, I can't see it changing anytime soon as it would dilute consumer protection. Given we still need to trade with the EU, our products would need still need to meet their standards but I know I read that the Govt has suggested that they may not adhere to all regulations exports but at this...
  2. LilyJo

    Cochineal.. does anyone have experience?

    Wow, really surprised at this. I'm not squeamish by any means but I kind of thought using cochineal for colouring had largely been phased out esp in Europe. I learnt something new! No experience to offer I'm afraid, my only comment would be around label/ingredients perception but if it's only...
  3. LilyJo

    Candle jars

    Wares of Knutsford...
  4. LilyJo

    Candle jars

    It all depends on quantity tbh, Candle Shack sell 30cl jars but if you wanted to order a couple of hundred or more you would possibly need to get them from China. There are a few others who sell similar jars but the cost is pretty similar.
  5. LilyJo

    Candle jars

    It depends on what kind,there are hundreds of jar types at very different prices. What sort of jar are you hoping to order and how many?
  6. LilyJo

    Melt & Pour and Legal Requirements Felt Soap

    The standard rate is £180 but if you wanted a single product without fragrance I believe Cosmetic Safety Assessements (Scott grainger) can do it for £49 but the £180 price is for six so it's much better value. The package is for one base plus six variations or six different fragrances, colours...
  7. LilyJo

    Tips for Shortening Ingredients Lists

    CSPR is cosmetic safely product report- assessing your product before it can be said. As I said if it's just mates that's not a problem but more than that you would need to follow the regs and no, a sheet of paper isn't acceptable.
  8. LilyJo

    Usage Rate

    Don't forget that no matter what the IFRA recommendation is, if you are selling you will need to comply with your CSPR which can state a range of 0.5% - 3% depending in fragrance.
  9. LilyJo


    Welcome Steve, good to see another uk newbie!
  10. LilyJo

    Melt & Pour and Legal Requirements Felt Soap

    Yes if you are selling soap it needs a CPSR regardless of how many - it's about £49 for a plain m&p with no fragrance or colour.
  11. LilyJo

    New member from Leeds UK!

    Hi and welcome to another uk soaper!
  12. LilyJo

    Yucky colour!

    Yes but if that's 100 variations its still ten assessments at £200 min each - check of an investment in a new product!!
  13. LilyJo

    Scent Issues!

    Don't forget whatever the fragrance calculator says it will still need to pass a safety assessment and I think our assessors have a slightly more conservative view of fragrance loads than in the US.
  14. LilyJo

    Yucky colour!

    Seriously, you have paid for 100 safety assessments since November? Omg that's crazy!
  15. LilyJo

    Web site launched over the holiday break - looking for feedback

    Hi I obviously have too much time on my hands tonight! I like the overall look and the site loaded quickly which is always good. I'm sure some of the US soapers will chip in but my notes are; Mica isn't natural its lab generated or enhanced Mica colours are a combination of ingredients that...
  16. LilyJo

    Reed Diffusers

    I think the most common base in the uk is Augeo - it's the one I used when I was testing.
  17. LilyJo

    Web site launched over the holiday break - looking for feedback

    I would echo the above, the claims around eczema look medicinal to me which puts you on shaky ground, as I understand things, and you should have a list of ingredients per bar. Not sure what the rules are in the states but there are no contact details listed and no shipping details or delivery...
  18. LilyJo

    Hi all, from Norfolk, UK

    Hi Welcome to another uk soaper!
  19. LilyJo

    Tips for Shortening Ingredients Lists

    I think from memory, best practice is to get into the habit of a full label but I do understand size and font can get tricky. if you were selling what would you do with your label? Gifts and samples should be labelled correctly - what happens if someone has a reaction to an ingredient - and...
  20. LilyJo

    Tips for Shortening Ingredients Lists

    Hi there If you are making and selling in the uk you have to abide by the CSPR labelling provided by your assessor. Speak to your assessor who can advise whilst ensuring you are within the law.