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  1. CatahoulaBubble

    It's happened here now - OO prices up ^

    I was shocked when I went to Costco and it was $52 for 6 liters. The last time I bought it the price was $25. But admittedly I hadn't needed to buy it for 2 years because I'd stocked up when a store had a sale 2 years ago.
  2. CatahoulaBubble

    Goat's milk Fresh vs. powdered

    So I buy goat milk from a local and freeze dry it to powder. Mainly because it's easier to store, I don't have to freeze it to mix in my soap, and I can keep a stock of it whenever the nannies stop giving milk until they have their next kid. It seems to perform just the same as raw milk.
  3. CatahoulaBubble

    Finally got my soap groove back

    Ha I mean May 17th! Oops. I grow peppers, tomatoes, and herbs for sale. All heirloom vegetables. Occasionally I grow some more obscure plants like cucamelons, hyacinth beans, and kuri kuri squash to sell as well.
  4. CatahoulaBubble

    Finally got my soap groove back

    After not making soap for over a year I finally got motivated and decided to go all out. 4 batches in one night. Lilac blossom Ginger and Lime Cobalt Sea Glass And Awakenings I've a plant sale coming up May 17th so I'm going to take soap and candles with me along with my vegetable starts. Gotta...
  5. CatahoulaBubble

    What Is Your Favorite Lye?

    I order 5 gallon buckets on Amazon. I don't have a preferred brand but I do prefer the microbeads as they dissolve better.
  6. CatahoulaBubble

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    I've not had any issues with DOS and I've a bar of it that I first made with the whole egg 6 years ago and it's still fine. I don't know that the shell adds anything, it was more of just an experiment that I wanted to see if there was any issue with it. The cure time was normal, no...
  7. CatahoulaBubble

    Fragrance Dupe? Dove Pink Beauty Bar

    Does anyone know if there's a dupe out there of the fragrance of the dove pink beauty bar? I can't figure out what notes are in it but I'd like to try and replicate it for a friend of mine.
  8. CatahoulaBubble

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    Mine's not so odd in that I add a whole egg shell and all to my soaps sometimes but I had an acquaintance that added her cats' and dogs' fur to her soap on purpose. She also added her own hair. Here I am cleaning everything to make sure I don't get pet hair in my soap and she was adding it...
  9. CatahoulaBubble

    The good, the bad, the good

    It's the curse of the stick blender. Even though I've been making soap for years I still sometimes stick blend longer than I should. I think "just one more pulse" and pop! I'm over the edge into a heavy trace. I've started stirring with a spatula for a bit and then a quick 2 second pulse and...
  10. CatahoulaBubble

    Calculating oil price in recipe

    I don't know of any place that lists out ml to gram weights for oils. I do everything in oz.
  11. CatahoulaBubble

    Finished soap ready to sell

    You should check your state laws. Some states require that you have your address on the label. I didn't run into that until I moved to a different state and got dinged at a craft fair in my new state. Had to take my whole booth down and print all new labels for all of the soap I had already...
  12. CatahoulaBubble

    Colouring Soap

    So I've done something similar in 2 different ways. One is I pour my cold process soap in the molds and once it's hard I unmold it then place it on a wire cooling rack and mix gold mica with melt and pour and then pour it over the top like pouring chocolate over truffles. I put it in a squeeze...
  13. CatahoulaBubble

    Holiday gift quandries

    I don't say anything to them. I just thank them and then usually donate what I'm given to the local shelter. I only rant to myself and here. ;-)
  14. CatahoulaBubble

    Holiday gift quandries

    Considering they've seen the racks and boxes full of my inventory I don't think that really holds water. I just think they just choose the standard "I don't know what to get you gift" to be honest.
  15. CatahoulaBubble

    Holiday gift quandries

    Ok so I know a gift is just to be received and thank the giver but for the love of little green dragons, why do people buy soap makers gifts of soap?! And it's not like they don't know that I'm a soap maker. The holiday gifts have started and some family friends who have known me since I was...
  16. CatahoulaBubble

    Natural scent

    My oatmeal, milk, and honey soap doesn't have any fragrances in it because I make it for someone who has scent sensitivity but it ends up having a sweet caramel scent to it from the honey and milk I add.
  17. CatahoulaBubble

    Lost my groove

    So last May I moved to Missouri from Washington state. I bought a house with a few acres. Thought I could make a go of it but I've completely lost my motivation to do make soap. Then this past August I got laid off from my job and have been applying for everything I can and still have no job and...
  18. CatahoulaBubble

    How to Make Soap - Soapmaking Guide for Beginners

    I think you should add that a scale that has grams or ounces is important for weighing out the oils and lye and that you want to go by weight and not by volume.
  19. CatahoulaBubble

    My crazy life

    It's been a hectic and disorganized month but all of the animals made it alive but 2 weeks after I got everyone settled in my oldest duck Buttercup passed away. She was 11 years old which is old for a duck and at least she got to die in green pasture and she got to swim in the pond before she...
  20. CatahoulaBubble

    My crazy life

    Well the moving truck is here and I'm still not all packed because apparently after 20 years I've collected a whole bunch of crap. On top of that I keep finding soaping supplies every time I open a cabinet or drawer. How in the world did I end up with so much stuff?! It's getting there though...