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  1. Christa10

    Stuck in a soapy labeling rut

    I read the various posts and links and also the FDA info about soap vs cosmetic vs drug and read the following: "Under the FD&C Act, cosmetic products and ingredients, with the exception of color additives, do not require FDA approval before they go on the market." But further reading says...
  2. Christa10


    That makes sense. My scale has a cover over all the buttons that i have to lift up to push the tare button every time, so if I put a plastic bag over it I couldn't lift the cover up. Maybe I could take the cover off and then put a plastic bag on the scale.
  3. Christa10

    I just have to share...

    Sounds nice. I'll bet traffic will be better than here in Fullerton!
  4. Christa10


    If it's in a plastic bag, how do you Tare?
  5. Christa10

    I just have to share...

    So beautiful! I'm sure he will fit in nicely with your wonderful wooden giraffes! Where are you moving to?
  6. Christa10

    When friends want to buy my “gifts”

    I like the idea of offering vendors a discount. Seeing each cost category broken down in a spreadsheet with the markup, profit and percentage helps to identify what you can discount and feel good about knowing that you're still coming out a bit ahead.
  7. Christa10


    So cute! I just make regular soap bars but all the photos of the various embeds and special soaps like this are inspiring me to try something more elaborate! Thanks.
  8. Christa10

    When friends want to buy my “gifts”

    I have spreadsheets that I made that calculates the cost of everything that goes into a given product, adds shipping and all other materials, such as bottling and labeling. Then I do research on how much a similar product would cost on amazon, etsy, etc., and come up with a sales cost. Then I...
  9. Christa10

    Eco-Packing for Soap Shipments

    Paper Mart has some cute paper bags. They also have shipping supplies, and their prices are pretty good too. Wholesale Packaging Supplies and Products | Paper Mart
  10. Christa10

    Would these ingredients work for a soap bar?

    Yesterday I couldn't find the Laurel Berry oil on Be Scented, but it's listed on Etsy from Be Scented.
  11. Christa10

    Would these ingredients work for a soap bar?

    Brambleberry has a Buckthorn Extract that is clear and very good for skin. You might like to try that: Buckthorn Extract | BrambleBerry Also, I have used oil that has been infused with calendula, which is very good for the skin. You can use whichever oil you prefer - I used hemp seed oil...
  12. Christa10

    Does anyone have a good deep conditioner recipe?

    It does seem weird, but maybe they wanted to reach out to an audience that didn't want to use a permanent hair color. This one says it washes out after about 10 shampoos. I've never used any colors, but it is tempting to me to use something that I know isn't permanent. Post pictures if you do...
  13. Christa10

    Face routine and favourite ingredients

    I make a lactic/glycolic acid home peel at various levels, which also includes glycerin as well. I worked with a pharmacist so that I could make sure that both acids were in the percentages I want. My friends wanted to try it so I start them off with a 15% lactic/7% glycolic acid which is very...
  14. Christa10

    Face routine and favourite ingredients

    Have you ever tried a very light chemical peel with lactic and/or glycolic acid? If you take off a layer of dead skin cells it might help absorption of other skin care products.
  15. Christa10

    Does anyone have a good deep conditioner recipe?

    I know this is not what you asked, but, rather than use a permanent dye, there are fun and colorful temporary hair color products that won't harm your hair and wash out. I've never used them but it looks promising - here's one from L'Oreal -...
  16. Christa10

    Inconsistent shave soap lather

    Thanks so much for the reply. My shave soap stearic acid comes in at 50% but the palmitic acid isn't very high. I live in California and we have a lot of people who object to animal fats as well as palm oil, and I go with what my customers want, so I try to work around that. The people who...
  17. Christa10

    Inconsistent shave soap lather

    Hi Professor Bernardo, Your input seems quite solid and I appreciate all the detail you provided to Mosstache Made. I have a few questions: Does the higher KOH to NAOH ratio create the cream shave soap, or is it the oils you use? I notice you are using 8% castor oil, which I'm wondering...
  18. Christa10

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    what a great idea with the legos!!
  19. Christa10

    Do you provide shopping bags?

    There are a variety of different kinds of bags at Wholesale Packaging Supplies and Products | Paper Mart. I don't know what shipping costs because they are close to where I live so I just do willcall, but the products that I have purchased from them have been good.
  20. Christa10

    Epsom Salt

    Years ago I got a recipe for a rose food, from a very reputable nursery, that includes epsom salts, so you can sprinkle some on your rose plants if you have any.