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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    @Zany_in_CO Thanks! I was using lard in place of palm and then experimenting with replacing olive oil with either rice bran oil or soybean oil. I’m trying to use inexpensive oils while I’m learning 🙂 Olive oil seems to better maintain conditioning while balancing INS and iodine (go figure 😆) So...
  2. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    That ☝️ is SO helpful! I’ve be playing around with different oils on the calc and I can already see how hours can disappear into thin air 😆 I was wondering why I couldn’t reel in my iodine levels and INS when I was working that first recipe. I’m thinking now, after toying with the calc, that it...
  3. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    Thank you Zany for taking the time work with my recipe! I didn’t know that INS influenced the rate at which soap cures. When I was making that recipe I was mostly thinking about saturated:unsaturated ratio. I started playing with lard on the calculator as you suggested and it also seems to...
  4. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    You guys are cracking me up!! 🤣 I guess you would see the fireworks before you smelled them 🤔 😆
  5. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    Rosemary, bergamot and cedarwood 🤤
  6. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    😆 Hey, fireworks are art too! And strontium makes a beautiful color, and some colors only exist in our imagination, at least I couldn’t make them, but I’m certain that any color that can be imagined DOES exist! 😉 if the minds eye can see it, it’s out there.. I’m so glad that you’ve helped your...
  7. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    I’m so grateful I discovered this forum! You all have been so welcoming and I know I’ll have lots of questions throughout my journey and I’ll get lots of different answers. What could be better in a hobby than having hundreds of mentors willing to help!! I think forums might be the best medium...
  8. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    Thank you!!
  9. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    I can’t express how happy I am that I didn’t completely fail! I spent at least 2 months studying soaponification and it still wasn’t enough. BUT, I’m learning, forever a student..
  10. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    Thanks hlee and dibbles! Apparently I’ve found the right forum, you guys have been so helpful! I’ve noticed that the pink color is fading as the soap cures which makes me think that it might be related to moisturizer content. I’m going to let the soap cure for a while, a month or more before I...
  11. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    Thank you hlee for being so welcoming and encouraging! I’m glad I found this forum!! I’m trying to post photos, but the forum keeps telling me I need to approve cookies to post photos. I’m trying to figure out how to do that, maybe it’s because I’m new.. Here’s photos... Don’t get me wrong...
  12. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    Hey there fellow soap enthusiasts! I made my fist batch of cold process soap yesterday. I made a couple of beginner mistakes. OK, more than a couple 😆 BUT it appears I’ve successfully created soap! Here’s my list of mistakes (that I know of) ... Rather than making a tried and true recipe, I...