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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. FragranceGuy

    One oil for the rest of your life...

    OO and lard seem to be the pantry staples so far with RBO and CO trailing. This tread is as fun and informative as I imagined.. Thanks KiwiMoose! 😆 I’m also not a big fan of cooking with OO. I’ve always thought it was OR (over rated!) BUT I do prefer it when making most Italian dishes and some...
  2. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    @Zany_in_CO I had a feeling I would eventually transition to FO the deeper I dive and more experience I have making soap. I think I’ll slowly start building a collection of FO over the next few months while I use up my EO on my first 10 batches or so. Hopefully I’ll have a firm idea of what I...
  3. FragranceGuy

    Why does 100% coconut oil soap work?

    Thank you all! I’m going to put 100% CO on the to do list, but will probably experiment with 3 oil soaps for now.
  4. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    Thanks Aromasuzie! I’ll probably make a small test batch, maybe swap the values of the lavender and geranium. My lavender is very potent so I opted for more geranium. 😆 I may be FragranceGuy, but I’m certainty no authority and I know VERY little about how EOs behave in soap so keep the advice...
  5. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    I see, thank you. I’m still confused about one thing, when I change the liquid:lye ratio the lye percentage doesn’t change and vice versa. How can I have a 2:1 and a 40% lye concentration at the same time? I’m sorry if there’s something obvious I’m missing. Are there any good starting numbers...
  6. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    @ibct1969 One more Lardinator getting me excited about pig tallow! 🐽 Thanks ibct! I’m new to soap making, but I’m not new to fragrances (hence my name 🙂) If we couldn’t add fragrances to soap I probably would have a goal to make soap enough times to learn the basics and then move on. But I...
  7. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    I’m curious as to why Soapmaking Friend doesn’t have a place to input a water discount as a percentage? Say I want to tweak a recipe, I can do the math myself, but it’s nice to just type in “10%” into a water discount value. I’m sure there’s a reason this wasn’t included, but it’ll take some...
  8. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    That’s a gem 💎 of info! Thanks, I love oakmoss in colognes, but don’t own it in EO... YET!
  9. FragranceGuy

    One oil for the rest of your life...

    I’m guessing you add the sugar to the lye solution, but what kind of starch and when do you add it? What do they contribute? I just realized I could probably search RBO under Dawni (as you suggested) rather than pestering you 🤦🏻‍♂️😆 I’m a noob to forums and I haven’t yet developed my search...
  10. FragranceGuy

    Why does 100% coconut oil soap work?

    I’m planning to make a batch of pure coconut soap. A lot of people seem to enjoy them, but the numbers are all over the place and I’m confused as to how it makes such a good bar of soap. It’s seems that most people agree that it requires a high SF (20%) and that makes total sense as a way to...
  11. FragranceGuy

    One oil for the rest of your life...

    Good point @KimW Yes, any additives that aren’t fats are permissible in this hypothetical 😆
  12. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    @Nibiru2020 I’ve read the earth chronicles and a few other of Sitchin’s supplementary books and I find them quite interesting. I think people are too quick to laugh the subject off of the table. The “Sitchin is wrong” website does a poor job of providing evidence against his research and that...
  13. FragranceGuy

    One oil for the rest of your life...

    Hey soap heads! 1.) If you could only use one oil to make soap for personal use (100% bars) for the rest of your life, what oil would you choose and why? 2.) If you could only choose one oil to make soap AND it was the only oil you could use for cooking would your answer change?
  14. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    I’ve been using soapee bc it’s very phone friendly and I like the format. I imagine not all soap calculators are created equally. Does anyone have any gripes or reasons why I shouldn’t use soapee? @Nibiru2020 Is your name a reference to the ancient cuneiform texts from Sumer or are you a Star...
  15. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    Correction: I used cypress bc I’m out of cedar wood. @Mobjack Bay I’ve noticed some tallow bars I’ve bought have a subtle odor. I don’t necessarily find it unpleasant, but it’s distinct. How would you describe the smell of lard? How many weeks cured do you think the smell would emerge in a...
  16. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    You’ve got me excited about lard! (I never thought I’d say those words 😆) I think I may become a Lardinator as Zany informed me 😆 My gf has very sensitive skin. She’s been using dove since it helped clear up chronic skin issues she had 25 years ago. Most other commercial soaps will irritate her...
  17. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    @AliOop SMFers 😆 I love it! I’m going to incorporate lard into one of my next two batches. And thanks for clarifying the cleansing numbers. I’ve been hyper focused on getting my values above 12 (closer to 17) but it’s nice to know I have more leeway than I thought. Thanks! @Zing Yes...
  18. FragranceGuy

    Pinkish soap?

    @Zany_in_CO @AliOop Excellent information!! Thanks!!! ☺️
  19. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    Signing up for this forum was the smartest thing I’ve done since becoming interested in soap making. The combined knowledge here is, I don’t know the word.. mind blowing/jaw dropping/inspiring/smile inducing. The different ways you all divide your palm oils are so clever. Thank all of you...
  20. FragranceGuy

    How do you melt your oils?

    I’ve read that when melting palm oil I should heat the whole container and weigh out what I need. Do I just pour the rest of the oil back into the container and let it cool, then reheat the whole container again next time? Are there other oils that I need to treat the same way? Also, I read that...