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  1. songwind

    Why oh WHY???

    Why does mommy/daddy always take such a long nap after making soap?
  2. songwind

    Rant... Thoughts welcomed.

    I think you covered your bases. Maybe if the situation arises in the future you could put a note or something on the packages. "Do not use until 1/15/2016" or whatever.
  3. songwind

    SMF Soapmaking Challenge November: Drop and Skewer

    No need to wait, though I'm not sure I can be of much help. I basically did the same thing that is in the example video. I poured 2/3 of the mold with the base color, then dropped my other colors. I did one high drop (alternating colors for each side) and a lower drop, to try to get the...
  4. songwind

    Clear Stamps with Acrylic Blocks?

    What are the stamps made of? I did get a custom stamp with my logo on it, and it's made of Acrylic. It works really well.
  5. songwind

    SMF Soapmaking Challenge November: Drop and Skewer

    Thanks. I got a bit too impatient and soaped a little too warm, so it was thickening up on my as I poured it. :P Thanks! I'm really satisfied with it for a first try. Next time I try I'll try to keep things more liquid so I can get the colors more interpenetrated.
  6. songwind

    Official entry thread: SMF Soap Making Challenge November: Drop and Skewer

    Here's my entry. It was my first try, but I don't have any confidence that I'll get a chance to make another batch. This is scented with BB Frankincense & Myrrh (Cybella) FO. Colors are Mixed Blue Lab Color & Black Oxide, WSP Matte Yellow Oxide, and uncolored soap. Swirled with a bamboo...
  7. songwind

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I had a busy weekend. Over the 3 days I: Trimmed and stamped a batch of soap Made a batch of my fall LE shave soap Made my first attempt at the monthly challenge.
  8. songwind

    shaving soap

    I agree with the chorus saying a brush is better. However, depending on the soap, the razor and the individual, you can get away with hand-lathering. I have a friend who swears by our soaps and makes her lather by hand for her legs and bikini area. She uses a cartridge system. OTOH, I wouldn't...
  9. songwind

    SMF Soapmaking Challenge November: Drop and Skewer

    Made my first attempt tonight. Guess we'll see tomorrow!
  10. songwind

    Five most annoying things about master batching

    In the matter of master batched oils not resolidifying - is that true of formulas that are mostly hard oils?
  11. songwind

    Anyone else in the habit of changing their plans partway through?

    Only if by "change the plan" you mean "forget to add an FO, colorant, or additive until it's too late to fix it."
  12. songwind

    Best Way To Make a Dark Blue?

    I'm considering doing a night sky themed soap, and was wondering if anyone had an suggestions on how to make the best dark blue. I don't really want to do black because enough black to be really black seems to always make grimy looking bubbles.
  13. songwind

    Green tea seed oil

    Might this be a good additive for hot process soap, to add after the cook? Then whatever skin benefits in brings will remain (mostly) intact, assuming the heat isn't damaging.
  14. songwind

    Five most annoying things about master batching

    Seconded! I'm not sure how, but the first winter I was soaping the top came off one of my bottles of OO and a mouse got in. Then the temp dropped (Minnesota) and the oil solidified. Imagine my surprise when it warmed up and became clear again.
  15. songwind

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Those are beautiful!
  16. songwind

    Rant... Thoughts welcomed.

    I admit that I start off thinking that the cure time was just for finishing the process of turning into soap. A few of the resources I read/watched at first supported this misunderstanding. So for a while I was under the impression that a sufficient HP cook to remove the excess water was a...
  17. songwind

    SMF Soapmaking Challenge November: Drop and Skewer

    Argh, just realized I can't work on this this weekend! I had planned to, but I wasn't thinking about a group trip we're going on. I mean, you can't leave soap in the mold for 4 days and expect it to be cuttable, can you?
  18. songwind

    Shaving soap

    I think the bias a lot of wet shavers have against soaps with clay in them is that it's not uncommon for soapers to add clay to a bath bar and call it shaving soap. So I think a lot of people have come to associate clay in the formula with mediocrity-to-crappiness. On the other hand, there are...
  19. songwind

    Milder Sap value for coconut oil

    I noticed there is a note saying that they were changing it.
  20. songwind

    Milder Sap value for coconut oil

    Wow, that's a huge difference. I took a poke at it and came up with the same results. I don't know what to tell you, besides saying that my soap has never come out lye heavy using SoapCalc, and the SC agrees pretty closely with my Soap Maker 3 recipes as well.