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  1. drksoapcompany

    Palm oil and Shea butter difference?

    Profiles are similar, but unfortunately cost is not! Shea Butter for soapmaking is simply not economically feasible, unless you're in Africa (black soap ;)
  2. drksoapcompany

    A Soapy Success Story...with Pics!

    Gorgeous display! Love your nice chunky bars. And fully agree on the customer reaction - 90% pick up the bar for a sniff before even checking ingredients etc. The unscented bars do appeal to a select few though - would never get rid of them entirely :)
  3. drksoapcompany

    The word association game

  4. drksoapcompany

    Is Facebook worth it??

    I get a few sales through Facebook, so I guess its worth it. But mostly it helps get your name out to many people for quite a low outlay (and also its VERY targeted). I budget a few euros a month in it and so far I feel its been worth it. The most important thing is PHOTOS - pictures do indeed...
  5. drksoapcompany

    Packaging salt bars

    Could you use shrink wrap maybe? I cut sections from a large roll of tubing for my soaps and use a standard paint stripping heatgun to do the wrapping. I don't do salt bars so I leave a "window" on the sides but you could just cut them long enough for a total seal...
  6. drksoapcompany

    My packaging

    Very neat and professional - well done!
  7. drksoapcompany

    April Soap Challenge...just made it!!

    Beautiful and love the story behind your gorgeous soaps :)