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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. M

    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Dagmar, thank you! Were you on years ago? I remember "knowing" someone by that name (getting to know a fellow soaper) back in about 2004 and the moment I read your name it felt very familiar. Then again you're not the only Dagmar in the world, I realize. ;) I agree about not...
  2. M

    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Hi there - I got really into making soap and candles in 2004 and then stopped and want to get back into it (so excited!). I know a lot more now about palm than I did back then (and the damage it does to the rain forests and wildlife). I have a lot of re-learning to do in order to start...
  3. M

    Hi from Portland, Oregon

    Thanks very much Saswede! It's familiar - in fact I can't remember if I used that one the most or the MMS Lye one. But I'll add that to the bookmarks, thanks!
  4. M

    Do U know of a site that lists expiration dates for b&b/soaping ingredients?

    Edit: found a chart of oils' expiration dates :) Here is what I found from Soap Queen. Thanks to everyone who's recommended her site. Really helpful!: Hello - Can anyone...
  5. M

    Hi from Portland, Oregon

    Hello Everyone - In 2004 I learned how to make CP soap from a couple of sites: Latherings and then I don't know if the dish is still really up and running (something funny's gone on there) but it looks like this is "the" soaper's forum these days?! Or maybe this used to be...