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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. C

    New Here!!

    OK. Wow. I just went on that and Im not sure what all I should put in. Like what kind of percent or my hardness. I dunno I just wanna make a simple soap for my first soap. Anyone have a simple recipe that will fill up like a loaf pan? And what kind of frangrances should I...
  2. C

    New Here!! all the stuff I use I shouldn't ever use it for food again!? That's good to know! :wink: So I could def find a stick blender this week!! And about the coconut oil....I have some that I bought for cooking at wholes foods. Then I bought some on Ebay thats not as dense. It's more like a...
  3. C

    New Here!!

    Whats the difference between CP and HP? I have scales, I don't have a stick blender though...Ive been using my hand held blender that I use for cakes and such. <- Haha I know. So should I actually invest in the stick one? I have shea and cocoa butter and a little beeswax. For oils I have...
  4. C

    New Here!!

    I've been trying to make my own lotion here lately. So I've come here and now I wanna make some soap! Haha! Where should I start CP or HP? I don't really WANNA do melt and pour I want more of a "challenge" I guess you could say. Could ya'll give me any advise on where to start...what to start...
  5. C

    Newbie with Lotion

    Ok. I tried it again I used more stearic acid and e-wax. It still came out runny but it wasn't as "air-y" as the other was. I also ordered some preservative I got Liquid Germall Plus. I dont know much about it but they said it was a stronger one for water-oil mixtures. Hopefully I got the right...
  6. C

    Newbie with Lotion

    so maybe i should use less oil more water? or more wax? i dont have any butters. i need to get some. i thought the butters made more of a butter? i want a slighty creamy lotion haha. And i didnt use preservatives...they are exspensive and I wanted to make sure I could make lotion before spendin...
  7. C

    Hey everyone!!

    I'm new here and trying to get into this "making my own stuff" grove :lol: hopefully I'll get tons of help here!! Can't wait!!!
  8. C

    Newbie with Lotion

    I am new here! I've been reading around the website, but can't find a good answer to my question so here goes. I made my first lotion last night, I used 70% water, 22% oil, 6% stearic acid and 2% E wax. I just used my Kitchen Aid stand mixer because I dont have a hand mixer. I did something...