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  1. B


    How does one use vinegar in soap anyway????
  2. B

    Aloe Juice

    way to burst my soapy bubble!! HAHAHA....I may still try it anyway, I would rather put it in my soap than drink that s***!
  3. B

    Aloe Juice

    DO I just dilute it as part of my water content or use 100%? Does it leave an odor in the finished soap?
  4. B

    it was bound to happen sometime

    I zap tested it and it was fine, just ugly! I used these dye chips and they weren't melted all the way I guess so I had these little flecks of color all throughout and I just didn't like it. Its in th eoven now and it looks likei t's doing what it's suppoosed to do, I did add a few Tbsp. of water.
  5. B

    it was bound to happen sometime

    I made a 5 lb batch on Sunday, had a funnel swirl planned but the FO siezed and I just had to scoop everything into the mold and my colors were all funky and it was UGLY! So for rebatching, I just grated it all up and have it in the oven on 150ish. I did not add any extra water,it was really...
  6. B

    anybody use these? I bought a bunch of the dye chips but you are supposed to add them to you rmelting oils. I want to do a swirled soap but doing it this way , I can't. Think I can just melt the chip in th e micro and add it to my soap at trace?
  7. B

    Orange Creamsicle Funnel Swirl

    I can just imagine what it smells like! It looks superfantastic!!
  8. B

    Using Cocoa Powder As Colourant

    I just made a cocoa powder soap and added it at a very light trace. I tested a piece after I cut it and the discoloring was VERY minimal so far. I was expecting much much more than what I saw and I used ALOT!
  9. B

    my first layered soap

    I was scraping the left over choco soap out of the pot before I was going to wash it and realized I had more than I thought and didnt want to throw it away so I just took the spatula and kind of shook it over the top of the soap.
  10. B

    my first layered soap

    The only scent is the cocoa powder I used, and man does it bubble up like CRAZY! I can't wait to be able to realy use it, love how this one turned out. [/img]
  11. B

    love contact paper in log mold

    ohhhhhhh, you dont actually peel off the back and stick it to the inside of the mold, right?
  12. B

    has anybody here tried this?

    I'm definitely going to try but it won't be until the weekend, I will be sure to take pics!
  13. B

    has anybody here tried this?

    How do you think using a straw to blow bubbles throught the soap to distribute swirling would work? Of course you would have to bang it to get air out and would probably have to be poured at a lighter trace.....I may have to try this.
  14. B

    my 1st GM soap....

    so far so good, I was able to cut it this morning, I added a "buttered pancake" FO to it and it smells soooo yummy and is so creamy looking, I am HOOKED I tell ya!
  15. B

    my 1st GM soap....

    I just made a small GM test batch with avacado, olive, coconut, lard & castor oils....i added honey & oatmeal at trace. I wonder how it will turn out....keep your fingers crossed!
  16. B

    LOL! Mature Warning, clever marketing

    That's kinda funny! I think it was on Etsy where I was looking at soaps and there was one shop that the labels on the soaps said "DIRTY SANCHEZ.....WASH THAT SH*T OFF"
  17. B


    I just made another batch of soap and I absolutely HATE the smell, it's a Juniper Sandalwood. It is the most headache inducing smell ever. I have to get this stuff out of my house, ASAP. What do you all do with your stinky soaps?
  18. B

    amonia smell?

    Is this normal? I made my first batch of CP soap last week and I tested a small piece and I get a faint smell of ammonia. ETA: I did NOT use any GM in my soap, just Olive, Canola & Coconut oils, cranberry FO and oatmeal
  19. B

    Gah - I made me some butt-ugly soap. Canuck swappers beware!

    Awwww, it doesnt look THAT could save it for a Halloween soap!
  20. B

    new soaper with question

    I made my first batch the other night, a nice cranberry oatmeal. Is it normal for it to be kind of still rubbery afte ronly 4-5 days after cutting? I mean it's not real soft but there is some bend to it.