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  1. IanT

    Is it safe to make CP soap whilst pregnant?

    waaaaoooo! who delivered ?!??!
  2. IanT

    Is it safe to make CP soap whilst pregnant?

    :) noooo worries :) also be VERY VERY VERY careful of what EO's you use and expose yourself to... Id consult your MD before you use any essential oils... here is a handy link for reference, but I always would take an MDs advice over anything you can find online as each person has...
  3. IanT

    Is it safe to make CP soap whilst pregnant?

    IMO Id say get the hubby to do it and play it safe, or work with MP which doesnt use raw lye at the stage you will be using it (bases are pre-made etc)... got a lot riding on that yanno!?!!? wouldnt want anything bad to happen .... everyone has their opinions but i always opt on the side of...
  4. IanT

    The Afternoon Slump...

    yeah thats def waaaay low! I know for my bodyweight ( i think im at like 129 now?) I need to eat at least 1800 to stay alive! so def get on that!! dont worry! I felt like i got my arse kicked when i first joined too...just take it slow and challenge yourself to do more every time you go...
  5. IanT

    opps, too much water

    lol yeah if its only a little bit like that, just leave it in the mold til it hardens... ive had some soap that came out like jello pretty much, but left it to harden for like 1 -2 months and it was the most mild soap i ever made :)
  6. IanT

    opps, too much water

    Fear not!! you can actually rebatch it (kinda an abridged version of CPHP, the crock pot hot process method)... basically just as you were trying to do, you can evaporate off some of the excess H20 by cooking it off (just dont do it in the oven, its harder to watch and you need to stir it...
  7. IanT

    Who is the Board's Admin?

    That would be either Tabitha, or Deborah I believe.
  8. IanT

    YouTube videos- a warning

    yeah I def saw one like that but it looked like it was in some 3rd world country, this chick was making soap in a tanktop, and (hey we all make mistakes... I did this once... shirtless ... yeahhhh lye in belly button=shoddy way to spend the day).... but i mean dont post a...
  9. IanT

    Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

    wooooow thats a lot to think about! I know I want to become certified as a yoga instructor (but have to learn yoga itself first so thats gonna be a while)... I def would like to have other practitioners there.... biz plan (need to write one of these for sure, actually just took an online course...
  10. IanT

    What new tutorials would you like to see??

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions for what tutorials you would like to see, I will be glad to acquire permission from the respective authors of such tutorials if I can find some that are quality-written. Some of you have contacted me through PM and expressed a desire to write some of...
  11. IanT

    amount of essential oil per pound of soap?

    ***** Pregnant women should consult their MD before use of any EO's :)
  12. IanT

    One of those sleep-goggle things?? (mask?)

    thats an excellent (and wayyyyy cheaper idea!!) cuz buckwheat around here is only found at wholefoods which is expensive as anything!! thanks for the tip!
  13. IanT

    10 things your dog wants you to know

    right there with ya .... it got a lil ::dusty in here:: when i read it :) missin my pooch so bad in NY I get to see him in a month!!! It sucks cause every time I see him, its like I have to say goodbye like its the last time im ever going to see him again so it breaks my heart leaving...
  14. IanT

    The Afternoon Slump...

    mmmm you roooock :)
  15. IanT

    Testing Facilities

    testing for what exactly?
  16. IanT

    The Afternoon Slump...

    this is veeeery true :) (((((scientific term for what tab said: Determine your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) Basically the amount of calories your body needs to perform the absolute minimal functioning (ie awake with your eyes open and brain operating) (I could give you a long equation blah...
  17. IanT

    Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

    aawwww Thanks on both accounts!!! :) ;) yeah Im so excited to be working there and staying busy, cant stand sitting at home being bored! They are busy as hell all the time, Ive been doing like 5hrs of massage per day, which is alooooot, but making sure i stretch and love to start my...
  18. IanT

    One of those sleep-goggle things?? (mask?)

    stepwitch lol... buckwheat eye pillow..ahaaaaaa lol... :) thanks for the pointer ! off to google :)
  19. IanT

    The Afternoon Slump...

    ooooOOoOoooO now that sounds goooooood.... now question... got a good crunchy granola recipe!?!?! ive never tried cottage cheese lol... call me weird but the chunkiness reminds me of bleu chease which is uuuughghghghghghghhhhhhh
  20. IanT

    The Afternoon Slump...

    If you do forget the PB, try an apple or any other fruit, apples are very high in "quick" carbs, (fructose etc....) and they go right to the blood stream pretty much for a quick pick me up... my faaaaavorite snack of all time for mid-day is sliced apples, pb and some raw honey MMMMMMMMMMMMM...