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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. T

    Can I ask a huge favour :0)

    I voted too. I don't know if I'm allowed to do this, so if I'm not I apologize. But I thought if the links were here it'd make it easier for people to vote for you, especially for those who aren't that Facebook 'literate'. Go here to 'like' Mamma's Market...
  2. T

    Please Help With Possible Gel Problem CPOP

    Well, I just took them out of the oven and all the soaps are fine. The soap I was concerned about did harden, but is a little sweaty, or weepy, like you said it might be, so I'm going to leave them in a box for a while and see if the oil re-absorbs. They all still need to cure a few days anyway...
  3. T

    Please Help With Possible Gel Problem CPOP

    Thank you. I took the lid off and it's hardening up now. I just kind of freaked out a little because I didn't know why it was doing that. This is just my second and third cp batch, respectively, and the first batch I made also went in to the didn't really get to see the 'process' and...
  4. T

    Please Help With Possible Gel Problem CPOP

    I made two pounds of soap today. 2 recipes, 1 lb. each. The first pound I put in to this as a mold: (the picture on top) They were on clearance at Walmart for 2 bucks ea. so got a couple 'cause I thought they'd make really neat half-sphere molds. Notice...
  5. T

    Need help/advice re: Rebatched/Handmilled Soap - Too Soft

    Thanks for all the advice. Makes sense. The soap is still soft, but I can tell it is getting harder little by little. And the! The soaps, as they've hardened, have shrunk over 50%. Think I'll stick to just making cp soap 'til I have a little more experience! Last time I follow...
  6. T

    Need help/advice re: Rebatched/Handmilled Soap - Too Soft

    I just made my first batch of soap a couple weeks ago (the recipe, process and picture is here: ... hp?t=22421). I used the cpop method. It came out nice, hard bars with good lather...didn't smell great though. The oil blend I used just didn't smell...
  7. T

    3 Guest bars for bed and breakfast

    Those are great. If I was a guest I'd be most impressed. Actually, I'm not a guest and am most impressed. I love your packaging as well.
  8. T

    Holy Moly look what i did today! help choose the name

    Those are so amazingly awesome! What name did you end up going with?
  9. T

    Holy Moly look what i did today! help choose the name

    Bump. I'd really love to see the 'cut' pics as well! :-)
  10. T

    I have found a great website

    Thanks for sharing that link. I live in a small town (55k) in the least populated state in the nation, but we do have an air force base here, that my dad retired from. Most people here are very supportive and have patriotic tendencies. We send out monthly care packages to members of our church...
  11. T

    Hi...I'm so new!

    Thanks for the great welcome. I finally took the leap and made my first batch of soap. I found a good, basic recipe I liked in the Everything Soapmaking Book. It was olive, palm and coconut oil, but I superfatted with hemp instead of castor oil...'cause I had hemp and no castor at the time, and...
  12. T

    Hi...I'm so new!

    I've been reading, researching and lurking around here for a few weeks now and thought it time I said hello. So, hello and thanks to everyone for such great and informative posts. I've yet to make my first batch of soap, but do have everything I need except a digital scale, which I'll be buying...