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  1. FragranceGuy

    Grocery Store Soap Challenge Photo Thread

    It smells wonderful ☺️ I think just knowing that the oils and lye converted into something completely different - and that I made that happen, makes it smell even better to me 😆
  2. FragranceGuy

    Grocery Store Soap Challenge Photo Thread

    Thank YOU! My joy derived from this challenge is more than enough! You’ve taught me so much about soap, you’re a living example of a soap maker. What more could/would I ask for?
  3. FragranceGuy

    Grocery Store Soap Challenge Photo Thread

    Rustic/pastel-ish colors are a favorite of mine. That soap is GORGEOUS and I’m grateful that you taught me how to replicate it 🤗 Very generous, thank you Tara!
  4. FragranceGuy

    Grocery Store Soap Challenge Photo Thread

    You’re right!! It looks absolutely delicious 😄 I hope you had as much fun making it as I did reading and learning from it!!! 🤗 Thank you @Zany_in_CO
  5. FragranceGuy

    Linoleics Anonymous

    This is my kind of thread! Science mixed with opinions mixed with experiences/experiments... let the games begin! I appreciate that you @ResolvableOwl recognize that guidelines like “keep your linoleic below 15%” are passed around for a reason and aren’t necessarily arbitrary rules to control...
  6. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    That color is downright BEAUTIFUL!! Can you please share how you infused your oils and how long? Thanks 🙏
  7. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    @ResolvableOwl Thank you for your detailed response to @Corsara ‘s question about canola oil. My fist batch of soap had a high linoleic percentage and I ALMOST had a problem with DOS early on, about a month into curing. I developed a few brownish liquid-y spots on my soap. I wiped them away...
  8. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    @Tara_H OMG! I’m drooling to see how this batch turns out! Ingredients purchased within the challenge parameters ✅ Creative juices flowing ✅ Descriptive updates ✅ I couldn’t ask for more!!! 🤗 Yes, I selfishly created this challenge because I wanted to learn, but I’m THRILLED that fellow soap...
  9. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    😆🤣 @ResolvableOwl I love it!! Thanks for “participating.” That was very entertaining and I learned a lot ☺️
  10. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    Here’s a link to where to post your photos of your grocery store soap 🤗
  11. FragranceGuy


    Absolutely beautiful Zing!! 🤩 You’re one talented soap maker.
  12. FragranceGuy

    Grocery Store Soap Challenge Photo Thread

    Hey Soap Heads! I made my grocery store soap yesterday and removed it from the mold today. I’m rather pleased for my 3rd batch of soap. Here’s what I did... I used lard, coconut oil, sunflower and canola for my oils. I made a 1lb batch and used a Lay’s Stax container for my mold. For color I...
  13. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    Yes! Any place you can buy groceries counts. If your local convenience store sells milk and limited fresh produce, that counts. Tools and lye can be owned or purchased elsewhere. I didn’t lay out specific guidelines for this challenge because I wanted it to be somewhat flexible and I’m mostly...
  14. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    @Zany_in_CO Good idea, that way we won’t have to scroll through this thread to see results. I’m learning soaps and I’m learning forums ☺️ @earlene I’m not familiar with neem oil but I am familiar with pine tar because I live in the Tar Heel State (NC) When I was in elementary school we took a...
  15. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    I’m glad you all are enjoying this challenge, whether as a thought experiment or as a hands on project. I’ve learned SO much about soap from reading your posts and getting insight into how your creative minds think. I’m planning to make my grocery store batch this weekend. I know my challenge is...
  16. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    Wow!! That is an exhaustive list and I’m impressed and thankful!!! Thanks @Zany_in_CO You all (ya’ll 😆) are crafty peoples! So many great ideas 💡 I’m thinking.. GV shortening 35% Canola 25 % Coconut oil 20% Crisco 20% Lay’s stacks or almond milk container as a mold. I’m losing bonus points...
  17. FragranceGuy

    Grocery store soap challenge

    Attention shoppers! You’ve got lye waiting for you at home, but you have no oils, additives or molds. The challenge is to make an excellent soap using at least 3 oils that can be found in virtually any grocery store. As far as additives go, none or many. You MUST pick a mold from products or...
  18. FragranceGuy

    Cold Process Soap Using Lard

    Two delicious looking recipes! Thank you for all the advice!! @DeeAnna I’m using a technical grade 100% NaOH. I’m not sure what impurities may be involved in terms of heavy metals, but I’m hoping using 100% might limit filler impurities. Honestly, the only thing I know at this point in my...
  19. FragranceGuy

    Cold Process Soap Using Lard

    Hey Zany! When do you add your oakmoss? It seems common practice to add fragrance at light trace, but if the purpose is to neutralize the odor, rather than project a scent (3.5g PPO) would adding the oakmoss to the heated oils before lye possibly help integrate the odor canceling power to the...