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  1. P

    How much citric acid for this recipe?

    yes, I did. The only thing I have done differently with this recipe is I added citric acid and additional lye to make up for citric acid eating up lye. I have used this recipe for years with no problems at all.
  2. P

    How much citric acid for this recipe?

    yes I did
  3. P

    Lotion bar best oils?

    thats a good idea. Ill give it a try
  4. P

    How much citric acid for this recipe?

    sorry i was'nt able to get back sooner, but had unexpected company, anyway, I just cut the soap. It cut smoothly, the color is consistent, and the bar is soft. On the second picture, I cut 1/8th in off the first bar to see if i could press down on it and make marks. and I was able to press...
  5. P

    Lotion bar best oils?

    ok thank you for your imput. going to try a test of more beeswax and another test with less beeswax to see how close I am to what I want.
  6. P

    Lotion bar best oils?

    Id like to try. using more beeswax in the recipies does anyone use more than the standard 33%?
  7. P

    What's going on with my lotion bars?

    from what I understand, your bar turned grainy due to acids cooling and not congealing at the same rate. I read that you can stir the oil after its mixed up and take it to trace slowly to allow all the acids to mix together ( just like soap where it leaves trace marks on top), then pour into...
  8. P

    How much citric acid for this recipe?

    The loaf is harder today. I am going to cut it today to see how the inside is. (when I press it with my finger, it would make a dent if I do it really hard) Maybe it just needs a longer period in the loaf before cutting. I took it out of the mold the next day after I made it as I usually do...
  9. P

    How much citric acid for this recipe?

    yes, i've always used that lye concentration and I always had a nice hard bar. i didn't lower the amount of lye I used or the water amount. I used the recipe as is and the only adjustment was the additional lye (14.15 g) on top of what I normally use, (11.60 ounces) and added citric acid at...
  10. P

    How much citric acid for this recipe?

    Sure! Here it is -water as percent of oil 33%, super fat 5% Lye concentration 30.525%, water ; lye ratio 2.2759:1, water 26.40 ounces, lye, 11.60 ounces, oils 80 ounces, fragrance 5 ounces,. the oil breakdown is coconut oil 76, 25 ounces, cocoa butter, 10 ounces, hemp oil, 10 ounces, olive...
  11. P

    Lotion bar best oils?

    ive been experimenting with lotion. bars. first recipe was 4 oz beeswax, 3 oz coconut oil, 1.5 oz cocoa butter, 1.5 oz mango butter,1.5 oz hemp seed oil, 1.5 ounce almond oil, 1/4 tsp kayolin clay. It was a bit greasy for my liking. I prefer a harder bar that glides on skin without a drag...
  12. P

    Lotion bar best oils?

  13. P

    Thought I had conquered DOS... it's back! At a loss :(

    thanks for that info. I'll check out candle science. Went to Sweet cakes today and alot has changed there. Not many scents to choose from, so its a no go for me
  14. P

    Thought I had conquered DOS... it's back! At a loss :(

    I too bought Lavender from Bramble berry and got DOS within a few weeks. I am also conviinced DOS has alot to do with Fragrance oils and essential oils. I am no longer offering that scent. As a matter of fact, when I started using BB as my only source of FO's and EO's, my DOS journey began...
  15. P

    How much citric acid for this recipe?

    I don't add ROE to my bottle of Hemp. I add it after I measure the amount for an individual recipe, then add it to the hemp oil. Yes, I am very careful of the amount. It isn't very much at all!