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  1. Elise

    How to keep silicon molds dust free ?!

    I don't think it's ash, I'm not experimented but I think I've seen it on other soaps and it's not that. Maybe "dust" is not the right way to describe these tiny things. If it was visible on my silicon mold before pouring, I didn't see it ;) But it doesn't look like the white stuff showed on the...
  2. Elise

    How to keep silicon molds dust free ?!

    I'm so disappointed that my last batches of soap, which are on the white (whitish), ended up encrusted with dust on the sides touching the mold. I clean them after use, then store them in a clean and closed container but they still have dust on them when I use them ! My best guess is that I have...
  3. Elise

    Can I CPOP the next day? Urgent question.

    I'm glad you shared this ! I've not CPOPed yet but consider it so my soaps harden faster (I tend to use a lot of liquid oils). I wonder how long after soaping it is still possible to OP.
  4. Elise

    Finally participating !

    thanks @Zany_in_CO, that makes me want to have a look at it too
  5. Elise

    Finally participating !

    Thank you ! I haven't tested my oat soaps yet, but I have high expectations for them xD. One is made with home made oat flour and one made with, I think, a similar method that you use (exept no almond milk involved, but that sounds like a good idea !). I had never heard of salt bars before...
  6. Elise

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    I had to go and search for that thread about snake skin. I found it, not sure I would try it. I also came across one thread about people collecting spiderwebs for soap making 🤭. I wonder how that came out. Anyway, I don't feel that weird about having added wool in my soap now. I wanted to try...
  7. Elise

    Flaxseed Gel

    Thanks @dibbles. I'm looking forward to trying them. If I end up liking how they feel, that will be one cheap additive I'll enjoy using 😁 (even though it's quite time consuming to extract).
  8. Elise

    Finally participating !

    Thank you all for the warm welcomes 🥰
  9. Elise

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    I'm wondering what king of unusual or surprising things have been turned into soap. For me it's... wool ! I had seen that silk can be dissolved in the lye solution many times. And then I came across a video on Youtube by Tellervo where she dissolves cashmere into her lye ! I thought to myself...
  10. Elise

    Flaxseed Gel

    Also tried flax gel recently. Not the same recipe as Tellervo did, I don't own so many oils. But I added more flax gel because I really wanted to see what it does in soap. They are still curing. I will report back when I'll test them. Also, does any one knows why my turmeric powder turned brown...
  11. Elise

    Finally participating !

    Hi ! I have been reading this forum a lot for the past 6 months or so. It helped me a lot and I'm very grateful for all the knowledge available here. Now that I've done around 25 batches, I really want to be part of all the great conversations you're all having here. Especially since I still...