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  1. Elise

    Coffee in DIY lotion

    I had to do an english google research to find out about that borax thing ! In french google I found a lot of recipes using just beeswax, oil and some sort of watery content. But yeah, I read everywhere that beeswax isn't a very good emulsifier and you have to use less water than oil in your...
  2. Elise

    Coffee in DIY lotion

    Haha ;) I'm thinking : brewing a normal cup of coffee and trying to emulsify it with bee wax and an oil of choice (unchosen yet, probably almond oil since I love it on my skin). + some sort of preservative (also unchosen)
  3. Elise

    Coffee in DIY lotion

    I'm wondering if anyone here have ever tried using coffee (watery liquid form, not the grains) in DIY lotion or body products ? My only experience with DIY body products is making balms (so no water content) with bee wax. And I want to try making body creams including some type of watery content...
  4. Elise

    Hello I'm Imactuallymute

    Welcome ! I'm looking forward to read about your experiment with home made NaOH and KOH. I've always wondered how one's could make soap with something they don't know the exact concentration and purity. Would be interesting to know about your testings ! I never notices my unfragranced soaps have...
  5. Elise

    French Fragrance

    I'm so sorry the end of 2023 was crazy busy for me and I haven't sent that e-mail yet ! And I realised I don't know what questions you'd like me to ask. For use in leave on product they recommend on their website 0.3 to 1% if for the face and up to 2% if in a body product. Happy new year by the...
  6. Elise

    French Fragrance

    Yep, @A-Polly provided you with the important information from the brand website :) I get my oils from this brand too. And only got a couple of their fragrances recently. I haven't tried them in soap yet and was actually disappointed they don't provide a specific guide line for the amount to use...
  7. Elise

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    Thank you ! Your soap is lovely. Now I have to remember to bring containers for potential seaweed and seawater next time I'll go to the beach. Which won't be for a while however 🤭
  8. Elise

    Is this what glycerin rivers look like? (and expecting DOS)

    Thanks a lot @AliOop. I will have to read that a couple more times to really get my head around this 🤭 But I find it really helpfull. Edit : and thank you @DeeAnna, just saw that you answered as well. I'll read your article.
  9. Elise

    Flaxseed Gel

    Tried them and like them ! I do find that there is a silky feeling to them. But as I haven't been soaping for a very long time and haven't tested all my soaps yet, I don't know if this silky feeling is due to flax gel or the recipe (which I can't put my hand on right now :mad:). I will...
  10. Elise

    Is this what glycerin rivers look like? (and expecting DOS)

    What do you find is the benefit of going by lye concentration over water as % of oil ? I never thought about that.
  11. Elise

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    I really like this idea. It could be kind of a little "souvenir" of a day at the beach. Would you mind sharing your process of drying, cleaning and incorporating the algae into the soap ? How much ppo ?
  12. Elise

    Is this what glycerin rivers look like? (and expecting DOS)

    @AliOop @AliensrReal Yes, I didn't modify this setting in soap calc for my first batches. Now I definitely reduce the amount of water. Especially since I usually use a lot of liquid oils. I did 36% and then 34% water. I'll try 33% for my next batch. It is indeed enjoyable to get bars of soap you...
  13. Elise

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    You're right ! Spirulina is a kind of bacteria ! Totally forgot about it. When I tried it in soap as a colorant I only thought of it as an algae (which it also is, right ?)
  14. Elise

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    Interesting that the sell remained, event very slightly. I tried ginger infused oil a while ago. The smell was also still present after cure.
  15. Elise

    What is the weirdest thing you've put in soap ?

    I haven't tried egg soaps yet, but it's on my list ;). First time reading about the shell though 🤭 how did you incorporate it into the soap ? Crushed ? Did you end up liking it? I guess dog's hair wouldn't be so different from any other animal hair. Or human hair. Yeah, I wouldn't be comfortable...
  16. Elise

    Is this what glycerin rivers look like? (and expecting DOS)

    My water to lye concentration was 26,643% (water as % of oil = 38% ; water/lye ratio 2.7534:1) I know... I mean, I've not seen glycerin rivers yet but this doesn't look like the pictures I've seen online. However I couldn't figure something else when researching an other explanation.
  17. Elise

    Is this what glycerin rivers look like? (and expecting DOS)

    I almost forgot that I actually registered here to ask this question. I made small batches of soap to test if I could feel anything different with different additives. As these were about testing additives I wanted a cheap recipe. I ended up using 75% canola oil 😅, I don't know why, I did read...
  18. Elise

    How to keep silicon molds dust free ?!

    It could be from any oh my utensils that had not been cleaned properly too. Maybe my bowl was dusty ? Or my blender (it's white, so I think I can cross bits of it oh the list of suspects). I suspected the mold first because I find that all my molds attract dust like crazy. And I find it a pain...
  19. Elise

    My largest project so far: 5.62 kilo (12.4 lbs.) double batch of soap batter

    Just read this ! I made a wool soap (not alpaca though) with the same reasoning @BWt ! Haven't tried it yet, but will very soon. I'm very curious to know what you thought of it. How did it compare to silk ? I've never tried silk so I won't be able to tell my self... @Jorah, I'm impressed by...
  20. Elise

    How to keep silicon molds dust free ?!

    But isn't soda ash supposed to be white ? It is indeed difficult to see on the picture, but I'm talking about tiny black specks on my white soap. Might look like nothing on the pic but when I look at my soaps its all I can see 😔 Still good to know that not all silicone molds are made equal...