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  1. Elise

    Lye not disolving

    Is "essential cleaner" a brand of drain cleaners ? If so, are you sure that there is only sodium hydroxide in it ? If there is anything else you should probably not use it for soapmaking. An other possibility is that you don't use enough water. You need at the very least the same wait of water...
  2. Elise

    How to use this madder root

    Maybe madder root works better in water infusion then. I should try it too. Purple is unexpected but nor the worst surprise you can get from naturel colorant 🤭 Thank you for sharing your experience !
  3. Elise

    How to use this madder root

    Well, I decided to try using it without turning it into powder and see what will happen. I'm infusing it in olive oil that I'm keeping warm for a couple of days and will report back when I'll soap with the infusion.
  4. Elise

    Recipe help

    Does citric acid slows down trace ? I didn't know ! I have been using it for only 5 or 6 batches now. I didn't pay attention to that.
  5. Elise

    Recipe help

    More like 8%. When I just started soaping I was all about adding lots and lots of honey to my soaps. Even when I was also using GM as a full water replacement. I don't think it was very wise as a beginner, but I'm lucky enough to never have experienced a volcano nor scorching. Probably because I...
  6. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I love the look of them ! I'm sure if I'd try to replicate them I'd failed. Where is the swirl though ? 🤔
  7. Elise

    Recipe help

    The only time I made soap with 10% castor oil, my friends and family complained it was too soft and turned into playdough in the shower. I'm not 100% sure that castor oil was the culprit since I never used that much again, but I never had this problem since I kept it at max 5%. I also soap with...
  8. Elise

    Honey in Balms

    Honey in itself doesn't need a preservative and can be stored in a jar for years and years and years. I don't think you need a preservative as long as you don't add water to your formula. I'm more curious at how they incorporate honey, which is water soluble, in oils only. I know you can buy...
  9. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I thought I would show you the result, since I end up liking it :) I like the blend of patchouli with the natural smell of the indian madder root powder. The color is nice too, the picture doesn't make it justice (less brown in real life). I used one tablespoon of powder for 250g of oil. I tried...
  10. Elise

    How to use this madder root

    I want to experiment with adding colors to my soaps. I first bought indigo leaves powder and was very disappointed to discover only after buying that it was not the kind that can be used straight to color soaps (I still have to try @AliOop 's suggestion to add salt to make the blue pigments...
  11. Elise

    Google Sheet alternative to Craftybase or Soapmaker Pro

    And of you don't, I'm sure people would be interested in trying your spread sheet and giving feedbacks. I know I would ;) I find that your project could be very useful.
  12. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I also like low coconut oil soaps. Never tried Kokum, what is it like in soaps ?
  13. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I hope you found one you like and want to remake. Don't give up now that you've learned so much :). I'm sure you could make a good bar of soap that you'd love if you'd decided to make some right now.
  14. Elise

    Is this what glycerin rivers look like? (and expecting DOS)

    Thanks ! Very helpful. I just checked, the bottle says 62% mono-unsaturated fatty acids. So only mid-oleic but still on the higher end and that would explain why 7 months later I still don't get DOS. I will still monitor them to see how long I can keep soaps made with this brand of...
  15. Elise

    Is this what glycerin rivers look like? (and expecting DOS)

    Well, the difference between rapeseed and canola is lost in translation to me... I've read about one being the modified crop here on this forum, but there is only one kind sold where I live and I don't know which one it is.
  16. Elise

    Hi forum

    Welcome ! I'm looking forward reading from you :)
  17. Elise


    When I tried a secret swirl design for the first time, I used a very beautyful purple clay. Turned out, the color entirely disapeared once the soap saponified. Have a look at the thread it was discussed, it may help you...
  18. Elise

    Is this what glycerin rivers look like? (and expecting DOS)

    Well... still no DOS. I'm almost disappointed :D I've been giving those soaps a long cure time before testing them, giving the recipe I used, and almost forgot about them. I found them while tidying my soap curing racks. Testing will start tomorrow !
  19. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I just cut it. The swirl isn't that bad on some of the soaps. But the result isn't the subtle look I was looking for. The soaps look a bit rustic and the uncolored part isn't even. Maybe some sort of glycerin rivers knowing I added water to my paste. I hope the part colored with turmeric will...
  20. Elise

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    Would you mind sharing the ingredients lists of the bars you used ? Maybe by comparing the one that didn't cause any issue to the two that don't work for you we could find one culprit ingredient ? And if so, you could find an other bar without the said ingredient, try it, and confirm or infirm...