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  1. BodyWasher

    Mixing CP soap by shaking bottles

    Thanks @Mobjack Bay !! I definitely need a bottle brush. I've got hard water as well so that's really handy to know about Isopropyl alcohol.
  2. BodyWasher

    California law

    It is pretty crazy how certain soaps can just put "fragrance" on the label without any other description and that's allowed. The sketchiest part is synthetic fragrances and ones that are known risks for allergens, cancer, reproductive and developmental toxicity, and so on.
  3. BodyWasher

    Mixing CP soap by shaking bottles

    For anyone curious, here was the procedure Pre-mixed 50.0% NaOH solution in a big 5L carboy (container with a spigot). I preheated the oil, lye solution, and DI water in a roaster oven set to 135-145 F (measured using a probe since the dial runs hot). It was 40-60 F out, so stuff I took out...
  4. BodyWasher

    Mixing CP soap by shaking bottles

    Hi, I recently picked up Dunn's Scientific Soapmaking and he recommended mixing soap in polypropylene (PP) plastic bottles for small batches instead of going at it with a stick blender in a bowl or crockpot. The good news is that it worked! I made several different single oil soaps this way, 1...
  5. BodyWasher

    California law

    Not a lawyer, but if your main concern is health/harm I'd recommend looking up ingredients on ewg
  6. BodyWasher

    Curious what the forum thinks of "Zote" Mexican soap (mainly for laundry)?

    Thanks for sharing your recipe! I’m also rural and my graywater drains separate. I’m in a dry area with lots of sand so I’d like to reuse my laundry/shower water in a planter/botanical cell. The less poison in my soaps and detergents the better
  7. BodyWasher

    HP batch is slightly lye heavy

    How long did you wait before you zap tested? 2 minutes? 2 hours? 2 days?
  8. BodyWasher

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I made a big batch of lye water in bulk!
  9. BodyWasher

    Hello from Texas, kinda

    Hi, welcome! If you’re only making/curing one batch at a time, your storage requirements should be pretty small since you’d just need some lye, oils, and a bread loaf sized soap mold to pour into. Polypropylene plastic containers are pretty light, chemical and heat resistant, lye safe. If you...
  10. BodyWasher

    pH of 33% KOH?

    Screw all this theory. Buy a pH meter, find out, and let us know :)
  11. BodyWasher

    Soaping in the cold

    In Dunn’s book Scientific Soapmaking, he uses a 20 Qt roaster oven and preheats to 140F for his super small batch size CP soap where it can’t retain enough heat in the mold. He also uses an appliance timer to shut it off after 4 hours. Maybe that would help?
  12. BodyWasher

    10% honey fixes cracking soap

    Ooh nice! Was there any difference on the bubbles?
  13. BodyWasher

    Single Oil Soap Test

    Thank you for sharing your results!! I like your format.
  14. BodyWasher

    orange/brown specks in soap

    Are these the beginning of “dreaded orange spots”? When did you make the batch and when did you take pictures? Are the specs growing over time? I haven’t encountered them myself but I’ve heard Rosemary Oleoresin Extract (ROE) can help prevent them. Lotioncrafter sells some and has directions...