Recent content by Vivienne_mulligan

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  1. Vivienne_mulligan

    Soap discoloration

    Thanks so much!
  2. Vivienne_mulligan

    Soap discoloration

    Oo I didn’t think of that! I got it off of Amazon from the brand Evoke occu it had good reviews. But it was only about 14 dollars for 4 oz so I can see how maybe it is an fo? It says it is Rosa damascena. Maybe this brand is not honest I don’t know lol.
  3. Vivienne_mulligan

    Soap discoloration

    Here is the color after curing for a week. It definitely has improved but I’m still wondering why it doesn’t look like the top? The recipe I have used before with different scents and really like just has to cure for a bit longer due to the high tallow%. I soaped at about 110 which probably was...
  4. Vivienne_mulligan

    Soap discoloration

    Does anyone know why the top of my soap is pink and the middle brown? I jsut cut it so maybe it will go away with the cure but I don’t think so. I used rhubarb root powder before in hot process soap and always turned a beautiful pink but I realize cold process is much different. I soaped at...
  5. Vivienne_mulligan

    Watermelon seed oil in soap

    I’m planning to make a watermelon/mint soap. I’m using watermelon juice in my lye solution. I’m am using watermelon seed oil Citrullus vulgaris. It’s usually marketed as a carrier oil. And it smells so nice like fresh watermelon. I’ve run it through soap Calc but I’m also wondering what percent...