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  • Sri Astuti
    More people with more experience can answer with more detail and background, but here's my understanding and experience so far. Better...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to DeeAnna's post in the thread Dual lye castile with Like Like.
    It's an elegant solution to the problem, and I can't think of any other solution that really solves the problem of snotty castile except...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Please check... 4-oil recipe! with Like Like.
    This is how I make my friend's favorite ZNSB soap, with PKO. :) The recipe: 80% olive oil 20% palm kernel oil 1% SF 35-40% lye...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti replied to the thread Cure time....
    @Zing I know what you meant. I was crying just reading a post. Now, @DeeAnna mentioned me, and I don't know what to do. I am lost...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to Zing's post in the thread Cure time... with Haha Haha.
    You're crying just reading a post? Wail until you post something and @DeeAnna chimes in!
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to Mobjack Bay's post in the thread Cure time... with Like Like.
    This is a fantastic thread that I somehow managed to miss for almost 5 years! Thank you DeeAnna!
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to DeeAnna's post in the thread Cure time... with Love Love.
    I'm laughing at myself. And I'm rather embarrassed to admit I don't always remember what I've said in the past. It has been good to...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to Relle's post in the thread Cure time... with Like Like.
    and the thread has been around for nearly 12 yrs 😃
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to Mobjack Bay's post in the thread Cure time... with Like Like.
    I’m all for the long, drawn out, very detailed version!
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to janesathome's post in the thread Cure time... with Like Like.
    Wow - thanks to who ever pulled this thread back up to the top of the list. @DeeAnna this explanation of how soap molecules line up (or...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to DeeAnna's post in the thread Cure time... with Love Love.
    Member @Sri Astuti made the comment that revived this thread. She is a very nice person and an accomplished soap maker. I want to...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to janesathome's post in the thread Cure time... with Like Like.
    Thanks for the correction - and for the info and YouTube link!
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to earlene's post in the thread Cure time... with Like Like.
    So when you were talking about the water phase previously (post #53 & #54), it was in reference to the liquid-solid-gas properties of...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to DeeAnna's post in the thread Cure time... with Like Like.
    That's correct for the two batches I tested. I made these soaps with a 30% to 33% lye concentration. "Full water" using the usual...
  • Sri Astuti
    Sri Astuti reacted to DeeAnna's post in the thread Cure time... with Love Love.
    It's been almost a year, BG, but I still haven't forgotten your question. Finally, in a fit of inspiration (or insanity) today, here is...