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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. S

    Dehydrating Wine?

    Don't know for dure but might be freeze fried rsther than dehydrated. Sound good to me though. Lol.
  2. S

    Misbehaving FOs in different types of recipes

    Hello to all. Just read feedback describing trace. Single cream is perfect definition of my attempt to share when I add FO to my castile soaps. For what ever reason, as long as I hold to my 120 degree target and add at the single cream appearance my soap never gets too hard quickly. If I add...
  3. S

    Misbehaving FOs in different types of recipes

    Hello. Been making castile soap, exclusively. Any variation is limited to 6 top comodegenic oils blended with the olive oil. (Olive, almond, hempseed, shea, avocado, jojoba). Number one reason, simplicity. Number two, does not have issue with known drying of the skin that can occur with...