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  1. O

    Body butter discolouring

    I made some body butter a couple of months ago, split the batch and scented with 2 FO's. Both coloured with mica, one pink & one gold. I've noticed that the pink ones (Pink sugar) have discolored and looks like it's separated from the outside (even though it hasn't), it smells fine but I'm...
  2. O

    What does BBW Japanese Cherry Blossom smell like?

    I haven't smelled BBW Cherry Blossom but I have had Natures Garden's Version of it and LOVED IT! It a soft sweet floral (I didn't find it too sweet at all) and it really sticks in soap!
  3. O

    Program for Lip Balm Label

    Thanks, I'll give it a try.
  4. O

    Retail Display Boxes

    Thanks Stacey, I have looked at those but they won't work for a retail location. Ideally I'd like to be able to have cardboard display boxes that I can have pre-printed.
  5. O

    best bath bomb recepies

    I think the trick to a good bath bomb is adding a little oil or butter. I have not had luck any recipe that did not call for them, they were either too dry and crumbly or got all warty because of the amount of which hazel that I needed to get the right molding consistency. ;)
  6. O

    crack on top of log?!

    I have certain scents that always crack (peppermint for one), as I always use the oven to make sure my soaps gel. I just trim them off, or if isn't too bad, when the soap is still malleable as yours sounds like it is, I just gently push the crack back together with my thumbs. ***edited to...
  7. O

    worpress website

    Does anyone use a wordpress site instead of css? I'd like to see how they differ in looks and functionality. Thanks, G
  8. O

    Retail Display Boxes

    I was wondering if anyone knows where to get these locally, Canada or US. ... y-Box.html The last time I ordered anything from china I never got my box, and when I emailed them they said it can take up to 2 months, and after I waited then, they...
  9. O

    Bath Bomb Size

    awesome, can't wait till they are back in stock!
  10. O

    Ideas for Valentines Day

    I think that most bath type gifts are bought by men for women, so I'm including pink soap, matching body lotion, and something else, maybe a bath bomb... not sure what yet. and wrapping it in a pink ribbon. But if you are wanting something more sensual, maybe a soy massage candle.
  11. O

    Bath Bomb Size

    Sunny, is that the mondo sized one? ... P4670.aspx Does anyone actually need more then a dozen of these?
  12. O

    Bath Bomb Size

    For those of you that make bath bombs, what size of mold do you use? I don't want to use the plastic christmas tree ordaments as I've had too many break on me... looking for other options.
  13. O

    Emulsified Body Butter, a few questions.

    I used e-wax, but the recipe only called for 6%, and it wasn't until after I made this batch that I read that it should be 25% of your total oils. Based on my recipe it should have had double the amount >< I guess I'm lucky that I'm only get a small bit of droplets!
  14. O

    Emulsified Body Butter, a few questions.

    It looks like it's starting to sweat/separate now, gets a little more oily everyday. I think I'll have to try a different recipe all together this one is from (soaps and other obsessions) I did find that it isn't at all oily within a few minutes. It feels greasy going on, but sinks right in...
  15. O

    Emulsified Body Butter, a few questions.

    It's about as thick as butter right now, lol. It's not super greasy, and I think that it will make an excellent winter leg cream. I don't have any cyclo... I've read of using dryflo at .5% of the recipe and have some of that on hand so I've been deciding weather I am going to add that to...