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      Mell replied to the thread Lye not disolving.
      You are so correct. I tried before and with a last batch and I still had to throw them away. Fortunately for me today I was able to...
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      Mell replied to the thread Lye not disolving.
      I have been ordering from Amazon also. No direct deliveries here. Seems I will have to wait and go back to ordering from there.
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      Mell replied to the thread Lye not disolving.
      The label does not say there are any other ingredients. Only Sodium Hydroxide. Have always used it. Never had an issue.
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      Mell reacted to Ekuzo's post in the thread Lye not disolving with Like Like.
      Check the label of the product you use. I'm pretty sure it's not pure sodium hydroxide or a solution of it, but rather a mixture with...
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      Mell replied to the thread Lye not disolving.
      This particular one is only Sodium Hydroxide as its ingredients. I have been using it ever since I started making soap and never had a...
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      For the past few years I have been buying/using Essential Power Caustic Soda for my soapmaking. The past 3 or so months I have had to...
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