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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. M

    can you rebatch salt soap

    I did some individual mold salt soaps yesterday. My silicone ones are beautiful, but I have this other soap mold with half circles that did not come out clean at all. It sets up so quickly, i don't know if it's possible to do this. Anybody try this? My recipe was 90% coconut, 10% castor -...
  2. M

    What's the Deal with Salt Soap?

    I like to use salt bars at the sink. They don't get melty. Even with my soap saver, often "regular" soap makes a gooey mess, but the salt soap stays nice and solid.
  3. M

    Total Newb w/ Lots of Questions! :)

    Right after I made my very first batch in a shoebox, I took myself to a gift shop of sorts and found a nice sturdy giftbox for just a few dollars. Lined with freezer paper by my perfectionist husband worked out great. As soon as he tired of this job, went straight to a silicone loaf mold To...
  4. M

    New Recipe for swirling?

    If I remember correctly, pomace traces faster than "regular" olive oil - but I think that soaping cool and backing off from a stick blender might do the trick. Sometimes I'll just go after it with a whisk, and only engage power if I need to. Any fragrance in there? That can make a big...
  5. M

    How much oils for a pringles can?

    I've used them, just keep in mind that they come in more than one size. No lining required,but i have had some overheating. Be sure you leave some room at the top
  6. M

    New Yellow Colorant

    If you have an ethnic food store in your area, pick up some annato seed. It is very inexpensive. Put some of the seeds,maybe a tablespoon or so, in with some oil of your choice and just let it hang out for a week or so. Use some of that oil in a batch and a fabulous yellow will result. I am...
  7. M

    New Yellow Colorant

    If you have an ethnic food store in your area, pick up some annato seed. It is very inexpensive. Put some of the seeds,maybe a tablespoon or so, in with some oil of your choice and just let it hang out for a week or so. Use some of that oil in a batch and a fabulous yellow will result. I am...
  8. M

    Question before I colour for the first time

    I just take a little of my combined oils and put them in a container big enough to hold the amount of soap i want to color, then mix the color with that little bit of oil. When my soap has emulsified I then pour it into the containers with the mixed color and finish mixing. At this point i...
  9. M

    Is it my recipe?? Consistent overheating + cracking

    I don't think i would put anything on top to try and tame it. I have never done that on purpose, but several times by accident. It will just stick to the cover and make a terrible mess
  10. M

    Who orders from WSP? Opinions?

    I do not buy in big quantities, so for a lot of things, WSP ends up being most cost effective. I have never had a problem. I do check prices among 3 or 4 suppliers, then go with the best deal.
  11. M

    Food coloring

    I used food coloring the first time I made salt soap - it looked very pretty for a while, but over time the color for the most part just disappeared.
  12. M

    what are your fave ratios for OO, CO, PO and castor

    Since I just play around with soap as a hobby, I almost never make the same recipe twice - at least on purpose - but in general, my OO is from 35-50%, CO, around 20% most of the time, Castor - 5-8%. The rest is palm or lard and then whatever fancy schmancy stuff I feel like adding.
  13. M

    red palm oil?

    I've used it also - definitely orange soap. I thought is was horribly ugly, but my husband had no problem with it,but then, I would never let him pick a paint color or any other color for that matter. I keep my old bottle of red palm around and will ocassionally use just a spoonful to get a...
  14. M

    soap with cream

    I just made a batch this weekend with half frozen goat milk in which i dissolved my lye, and the added some leftover cream right out of the frig for the remaining liquid. It is a lovely gold color, although I did add honey which also affects the color. My soap always gets my leftover dairy...
  15. M

    Rooto Brand 100% lye drain opener

    I use Rooto all the time. Actually just picked it up last night at my local Ace Hardware. You have to ask for it because it is not out on the shelf. I always take in a few bars of soap for them and the manager will mark it down to the lowest possible price for me. Got it for 3.50 a bottle...