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    • leom22
      leom22 replied to the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap?.
      Hi! Yes I did use a stick blender and it was a bit hard mixing it (I had a too large container and a small batch). I've since gotten a...
    • leom22
      leom22 reacted to Ford's post in the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap? with Like Like.
      Hi, did you use a stick blender? Might account for the air bubbles. I use a whisk on my 500g test batches. Found it hard to use a stick...
    • leom22
      leom22 replied to the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap?.
      Thank you for sharing your picture! Makes me feel better about my soap lol.
    • leom22
      leom22 reacted to basti's post in the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap? with Like Like.
      The first picture just looks like the inside of soap to my eyes. When it's snapped/broken in half, there's a sort of bubbly crystalline...
    • leom22
      leom22 replied to the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap?.
      No it's not soft and squishy. I'll try to cut the soap earlier next time and see if that helps and not with a knife. How long would you...
    • leom22
      leom22 reacted to Zuleika's post in the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap? with Like Like.
      I've never seen bubbly soap like the first pic. 2nd pic of the whole block looks fine. 3rd pic with cracked bar just looks like what...
    • leom22
      leom22 reacted to lsg's post in the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap? with Like Like.
      I used the default water setting in SoapCalc ( water as % oils--38). That may have been the difference. It showed 132.62 grams water.
    • leom22
      leom22 replied to the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap?.
      I may be wrong on this, but doesn't the lye just need, at a minimum, the same amount of water to dissolve it?
    • leom22
      leom22 replied to the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap?.
      Yes it looks like air bubbles to me as well.
    • leom22
      leom22 replied to the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap?.
      Okay I'll give it some more time and then check it again. Oh good point! I didn't even think of the rack probably not being the correct...
    • leom22
      leom22 reacted to artemis's post in the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap? with Like Like.
      To me, the first picture just looks like air bubbles, not particles. Can you explain what we're seeing there?
    • leom22
      leom22 reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap? with Like Like.
      I would add that a "little bit of a tingle" is not the sign of a lye-heavy soap. Unreacted lye will feel like an electric shock - you...
    • leom22
      leom22 replied to the thread Possible lye heavy CP soap?.
      Hi thanks for the reply! Yes the lye was fully desolved in the water. I ran the soapcalc again and it gave me 73g of water, is this not...
    • leom22
      Hi! This is my first time posting here and I was hoping that I could get some help. It has been 6 weeks since I've made my first CP...
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