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  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to akseattle's post in the thread Help with Like Like.
    @Gothtink4151 , I usually unmold after about 24 hours and cut at that time. My very last batch for some reason was soft and I should...
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to bookworm42's post in the thread Help with Like Like.
    Please take pics. I love seeing things like this. Plus it'll be a good reference to see the discoloration in a couple of weeks.
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to bookworm42's post in the thread Help with Like Like.
    My guess is it's due the FO. I bet it continues to get darker as time goes on. It'd be interesting to see what color it ends up in a...
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to bookworm42's post in the thread Help with Like Like.
    How long has it been since you made it? Vanillin can take a few weeks to finish discoloring. Also SAO and GO are pretty yellow so...
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to Gothtink4151's post in the thread Help with Like Like.
    I think that might be it. It does have vanillin in it and it says it causes dark brown discoloration which since the soap itself was a...
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to lsg's post in the thread Help with Like Like.
    Many times a fragrance oil will discolor soap, especially if it contains vanillin.
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to AliOop's post in the thread What happened to this soap? with Like Like.
    Yep, definitely looks like a heat tunnel to me. It sounds like you have used this recipe before, except for a little bit more almond...
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to dmcgee5034's post in the thread What happened to this soap? with Like Like.
    Looks like it got really hot inside….. I’ve had a loaf crack from the internal heat. I think you’ll want to zap test it to be sure it’s...
  • Ladka
    My entry is an orange/coffee scrubby soap. The whole batch is scented with an essential oil slurry with sweet orange, cedarwood and...
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to akseattle's post in the thread Hello from the Pacific Northwest with Haha Haha.
    Welcome @Volossya, @saint_rabia and @Brenda Kelley from a fellow Washingtonian! So nice to see so many new Pacific northwesterners...
  • Ladka
    My confetti soap ended up looking more like parchment paper, perhaps because the shreds came from a hot process re-batch soap. Even...
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to Tammyfarms's post in the thread What soapy thing have you done today? with Like Like.
    Hope your hand heals quickly. I understand your joy, one of my nieces loves my soap which makes me so happy.
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to AliOop's post in the thread What soapy thing have you done today? with Like Like.
    I'm so sorry to hear that. As one still recovering from a recently-fractured thumb, I am shuddering at the pain level you must have...
  • Ladka
    What soapy thing have I done today? None, and none yesterday and none the day before yesterday ... and none ten days in a row because I...
  • Ladka
    Ladka reacted to NSFarmer's post in the thread Pig farmer making soap with Like Like.
    Hello there I farm pigs, very fatty pigs. So fatty that I began to accumulate so much that I searched for alternatives to culinary...