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    • kaukab
      kaukab replied to the thread how to make liquid laundry soap.
      Hi... I was thinking... If i use KoH in 60% lay solution,with 0%superfat,0 e.oil. With coconut and canola oil... With the addition of...
    • kaukab
      kaukab replied to the thread liquid laundry soap..
      Lindaly....u mean to use NaOH soap? Simple basic sodium soap with out suprfat and e.oil. .can b use in grated form with borax and...
    • kaukab
      kaukab reacted to donniej's post in the thread liquid laundry soap with KOH? with Like Like.
      Wouldn't it make sense to make a liquid dish/laundry soap from a thinner, cheaper oil like canola or soy? I'm just curious why you'd...
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