Recent content by jadaw16

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  1. J

    Candle help.

    Thanks so much!
  2. J

    Candle help.

    The 464 is the wax that I’m currently using. Any tips you could share? I am currently using fragrances from Wellington and they are better than the last but still not where I would like it
  3. J

    Candle help.

    So I’m focusing mainly on container candles for now because I am new to this. The stearin acid slows the burn time but it’s not consistent in the way it cools. (I.e sometimes the candle is very rigid at the top) I really want it to work lol and the scents that I am now using from Wellington...
  4. J

    Candle help.

    I am a new candle maker and I have a few questions.... First, do you use stearic acid in your soy candles? If you do or don't, what are thoughts on using stearic acid?Second, I've switched scents, waxes, and my measurements and my scent throw still isn't up to par. What could I be doing wrong...