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  • Jackie H
    Jackie H reacted to Ekuzo's post in the thread Soaps causing skin problem on hands with Like Like.
    No matter what soap you use, always make sure 110% that it's all rinsed off. If it stays for longer than needed, it can cause skin burn...
  • Jackie H
    So after my second batch shenanigans and being reminded that you can’t trust all YouTube tutorials, I must ask, where did you all learn...
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H reacted to Ekuzo's post in the thread I dont know how to make my own recipe with Like Like.
    Aaaah, he's gone - another one got scared 😅 We couldn't make him join the Dark side, even with cookies...
  • Jackie H
    @Ekuzo Yeah, unfortunately things are never 100%, but this should be pretty close to it. It's always better to assume the things are...
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
    Thanks again for your help!
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Rebatch or Wait? with Like Like.
    You are 100% correct - good recipe in the calculator + good measuring = good soap!! :)
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
    Thanks so much for all the help and tips! I did the zap test when I thought the soap was done and it was fine, I was just nervous about...
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
    🤦🏻‍♀️ lesson learned 😅 so along those lines…all the YouTubers I have been watching on soap making use ph strips to test, but then...
  • Jackie H
    Just wanted to say this happens to my hands too with store bought soap, and my Aunt’s hands, and we don’t know why. I have noticed if I...
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
    Thank you for the pep talk, I needed it!
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H reacted to missbipbip's post in the thread Rebatch or Wait? with Like Like.
    I am with Scentimentally....I would throw it right in a crock pot and hot process it, especially if you know it was too much water. Yes...
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
    So I tried the preheating the oven, turning it off, leaving the soap in overnight method. It didn’t make much of a difference. Then I...
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
    Awesome! Thanks for the suggestion! I wonder if my seed starting mat would be warm enough 🤔
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
    How did you guess? 🤣😂
  • Jackie H
    Jackie H replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
    Thanks for the info! Unfortunately it took me 3 days to realize what I did wrong or else I would’ve hot processed it 😅 I’ll give what...