Soapmaking Forum

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j Roszak
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    • j Roszak
      I posted this in another thread and it was suggested that I post my question here. I'm so so new to making soap and I really like the...
    • j Roszak
      j Roszak replied to the thread Is this an okay recipe?.
      Thanks for the reply! I have watched a bunch of the humblebee & me videos and I really like watching. The problem I am having though is...
    • j Roszak
      j Roszak replied to the thread Is this an okay recipe?.
      Again I'm so new I might have no clue what I'm talking about 😂 but I thought I was making a syndet bar. I didn't add any lye. In the...
    • j Roszak
      I'm so so new to making soap and I really like the shampoo bar formula I started with but would like to venture out a bit more and try...
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