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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. H

    New to soap making - Few questions

    Gread advice with the orange, will 100% try this
  2. H

    New to soap making - Few questions

    Thank you all for the detailed replies! Really appreciate it!! I keep going back to preferring at hot process route as for this soap at least as multi colours are not required. Would it be easier to mix exfoliants in a hot process once it has started to trace? That and i like the idea of adding...
  3. H

    New to soap making - Few questions

    Hi, new to soap making. So new i’ve not actually tried it yet. I am wanting to make an exfoliating hand soap, and have a few questions before i start spending some ££money. As its for exfoliating / cleaning dirty hands, what oils / additives can i use to also make it moisturising is cold...