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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. hanesha

    SMF June 2024 Un-Challenge – A Favorite Song

    I am a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to due dates (like I have to give a lecture next Monday and instead of preparing my slides i am soaping 🙃). The good news is: One soap batch is done 🎉 and I can cut it tomorrow. And a cousin of mine wanted me to show her how to make soap, so perhaps...
  2. hanesha

    SMF June 2024 Un-Challenge – A Favorite Song

    Sign up list: (Please copy & paste the list into a new post, then add your name along with the next appropriate number.) 1. basti - so many options 🎶 2. Barefoot Farm Girl 3. hanesha
  3. hanesha

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Finger's crossed, tell us about your experience after you made your experiment with it! 🥳 I saw a YT Soapmaker just the other day and she was selling smoothie soap bars with different kinds of pureed fruits In combination with apple cider or salt and she is selling them. 😁 So I guess this will...
  4. hanesha

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I did a 100% olive oil soap (well 95%, 5% Castor) with some green clay and patchouli eo. yesterday. My 8y old daughter wanted to cut the bars with the soap cutter today and she was really proud. She mixed the Clay yesterday and weighed out the eo. It's not fancy but as I am a beginner soap...
  5. hanesha

    2nd soap and I guess it was false trace

    😅 You are right, I know you learn from mistakes and perhaps i'm just too influenced by beautiful looking bars of perfect soap from long-time soap makers 😂 Well it didnt look totally bubbly when I poured it into the mold, but I guess that means nothing, right? so I guess I'll have to wait...
  6. hanesha

    2nd soap and I guess it was false trace

    Yes I have, this was the recipe:
  7. hanesha

    2nd soap and I guess it was false trace

    I guess so too, but I did not unmold it yet, it is too soft after 24hrs. Perhaps its a combination of too hot (I left it in the oven for 1h at 70°C without turning it off, I noticed it too late :rolleyes:) and false trace? Or does false trace not even saponify at all? Aromatika, their EO is...
  8. hanesha

    2nd soap and I guess it was false trace

    Hello @ all! So I have been influenced by so many soap makers via YouTube and thought I give cp soap a try as I only did melt and pour before. As I am a scientist I thought what could possibly go wrong (lol) and studied many mistakes (gel phase, soda ash, dos, glycerin rivers and so on) before...