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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. F

    Coconut Oil Laundry Soap

  2. F

    Coconut Oil Laundry Soap

    What is natural oxi clean? Thanks
  3. F

    Help finding a good Shampoo & Conditioner bar recipe

    I would like to have your recipe, if you don't mind. Thanks
  4. F

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I thought you would be but someone else (can't remember who) reported not too long ago that they got DOS at 40% HO sunflower. I guess not all HOS is created equal. What brand are you using? Thanks
  5. F

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    You've had no problem with DOS? Thanks
  6. F

    My first soap recipe

    What is it about a recipe that would require more or less water? Does the amount of liquid or solid oils come into play? Or is it more about additives, such as clay? Thanks
  7. F

    The effects of different process (cp, hp, cpop) on long cure (6-12+) OO and other plant based soap

    Did your soaps do well at 30% and/or 35%? I like to give my soaps a long (6 or more months) cure. I don't sell but I don't want to end up with DOS. Thanks
  8. F

    How much sodium citrate?

    Thanks @AliOop and @DeeAnna. Great information, as usual.
  9. F

    How much sodium citrate?

    I didn´t see DeeAnna´s post and I´m not sure how to search for it. I´m wondering in what way the soap will behave badly. Thanks
  10. F

    1st attempt at shower steamers

    Thank you Thank you
  11. F

    1st attempt at shower steamers

    Can someone help me to find the Moon Cake Cult recipe? Thanks
  12. F

    Soda Ash

    I never had soda ash until I started using lard and cocoa butter in my soap. I got really bad ash on 40% lard, 30% HO sunflower, 15% coconut, 10% olive and 5% castor with 1.8:1 water to lye, but I think I should have blended it more. I like to use up to 3% kaolin clay so I´m not sure how low I...
  13. F

    Making your own laundry detergent/stain remover, what would you use?

    I wonder if adding salt/epsom salt to the mix would help with the problem of hard water...?
  14. F

    Honey ideas?

    Not skincare but a cold/virus fighting syrup: Barbara O’Neill Onion Syrup ½ inch onion 1 tsp honey (can be solid) Layer finely chopped onion (garlic, ginger, etc.) and honey in a jar. Repeat layers until you’ve made as much as you want. Cover and let sit for 24 hours; strain. Keep in fridge...