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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. F

    Ribbon or not to ribbon

    Hi, If you're making several. Ribbon on one, remove if you do not like the look. Agree with the others. These look AWESOME as is.
  2. F

    Soapcalc recipe not loading

    Hello welcome, I started out using soapcalc. First few batches. But jumped to ^Soap Makers Friend^. They both worked well for me. But SMF had functions. Soapcalc did not have at the time.
  3. F

    Hello and my first couple of kgs of soap

    Yup, we got another one..... poor soul. Hook,line and sinker. Soaps look good. Like the green. Welcome.
  4. F

    What caused this texture (and how do I recreate it)??

    Hi, you used 25% (2.92oz water) of your lye liquid. To mix with 100% (4.08oz) of lye? So, your initial lye solution would be heavy to start. Not sure if adding the remaining 75% liquid. After trace. Would delute the excess lye, to a safe level. The spots/bumps look crystaline...
  5. F

    ISO cleaning hack

    Plastic is an oil based product. Not that it's oozing oil. It just never has that squeaky clean feel.
  6. F

    Body butter hard?

    Hi, some people add a bit of arrowroot or corn starch. To help with the oily ness. It will change the texture of course. Just experiment. Good luck
  7. F

    Mitre box

    Hi, I'm with @artemis, ^score the sides^ is confusing. But, to answer your question. Home depot, lowes, should have them. Your local mom and pop. Hardware store. Should have some on a shelf somewhere too.
  8. F

    Where to get "all sided" molds?

    Can you take, 2 half molds. And put them together? Rubber bands? Pour in the top of mold? Make your own mold. There are affordable silicone kit's out there.
  9. F

    Neem and Goat's milk-is this a good idea? 🤔

    Buy a gas mask! I've read tea tree and lemon grass. Are FO's that help with the smell. Good luck.
  10. F

    Soap storage

    Hi, bringing them inside. To a more stable environment. Would help considerably. Oil should absorb, mostly. You may loose a smidge to evaporation. Hot then cold, with high humidity. Will make anything sweat.
  11. F

    Coffee Soap Scrub Bar - too strong for rhinos!

    I'll have my people, contact your people.....😉
  12. F

    Coffee Soap Scrub Bar - too strong for rhinos!

    Hi, agree with all of the above. It doesn't take much, should be as fine a ground as you can get. I have read, used grounds work best. I sub out 4 ozs water for almond milk. In my recipe. Scrub-a-dub....
  13. F

    SMF November 2024 Challenge - Hello Yellow!

    So many great designs. So much from one color. Tough to choose. I have a headache now. Thanks again.
  14. F

    November 2024 SMF Challenge - Hello Yellow! Entry Thread

    Hi, here is mine..... used butter cup yellow and spring green mica. Both from NYS. TD for the white accent. Fragrance persiphones kiss fron natures garden. Just a simple hanger swirl. Everything says spring about it. That's ok, I like the scent. Here is my split pic. Thanks for looking. Good...
  15. F

    SMF November 2024 Challenge - Hello Yellow!

    Ok, made, cut, will take pics tomorrow. Lots of entries. Going to be hard to choose. Have fun.