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  • Elise
    Elise reacted to Mobjack Bay's post in the thread 10% Honey - Help finding a thread with Like Like.
    Is it this thread: 12% Honey CP Soap. I had to satisfy my curiosity and was able to find it using Google, which seems to be smarter...
  • Elise
    Elise replied to the thread How to use this madder root.
    Maybe madder root works better in water infusion then. I should try it too. Purple is unexpected but nor the worst surprise you can get...
  • Elise
    Elise reacted to justsomeguy's post in the thread How to use this madder root with Wow Wow.
    I infused madder root into castor oil but it wasn't the one you have. It didn't really do much in the soap. There was a very very very...
  • Elise
    Elise reacted to Ekuzo's post in the thread Recipe help with Like Like.
    For me, it does - ymmv. I use high % of hard fats and sometimes soap at high temperatures (70 C) with high lye concentration, also...
  • Elise
    Elise replied to the thread How to use this madder root.
    Well, I decided to try using it without turning it into powder and see what will happen. I'm infusing it in olive oil that I'm keeping...
  • Elise
    Elise replied to the thread Recipe help.
    Does citric acid slows down trace ? I didn't know ! I have been using it for only 5 or 6 batches now. I didn't pay attention to that.
  • Elise
    Would've been throughout but a little more peach than pink based on the amount of infused oil I used to color. I think the swirl...
  • Elise
    Elise replied to the thread Recipe help.
    More like 8%. When I just started soaping I was all about adding lots and lots of honey to my soaps. Even when I was also using GM as a...
  • Elise
    Hey everyone! Finally, the second colorant tutorial is finished for the Natural Soap Colorant Database that I am building. I just...
  • Elise
    I love the look of them ! I'm sure if I'd try to replicate them I'd failed. Where is the swirl though ? 🤔
  • Elise
    Elise reacted to lmaster20's post in the thread Can I cure soap in a sealed container? with Like Like.
    Thanks for all the advice! My current solution is to put the soap in a closet and forsake that are of the house. There should be enough...
  • Elise
    Elise reacted to xyxoxy's post in the thread Indigo Powder in CP Soap with Like Like.
    Thank you! I put the indigo powder into a plastic pitcher and added a little bit of my recipe's water to disperse it. I used a little...
  • Elise
    Elise reacted to Ekuzo's post in the thread Recipe help with Like Like.
    Hi there, welcome to the forum! I assume this is for cold process, right? Yes, you can definitely increase the lye concentration a...
  • Elise
    Elise replied to the thread Recipe help.
    The only time I made soap with 10% castor oil, my friends and family complained it was too soft and turned into playdough in the shower...
  • Elise
    Update: I couldn't help myself. At 18hrs, it was frozen solid and already clearly pulling inward from the sides, so I just had to unmold...