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  1. E

    Lotion Bars

    Yes. I used the one you suggested. I will remelt it and try to add more mango. 😬 Thankfully I only make one bar or it would be a complete disaster. Lol
  2. E

    Lotion Bars

    I let it sit all day and night. Un-molded this am and it broke. It’s pretty soft.
  3. E

    Lotion Bars

    Def didn’t think about letting them cure. I know it’s 4-6 weeks for soap; How long would you cure a lotion bar? Thanks so much.
  4. E

    Lotion Bars

    Thank you. I’m going to give it a try.
  5. E

    Lotion Bars

    Ok. I left it in the freezer for an hour and then left it on the counter for another hour. So, I will try the freezer for 30 min and then how long should I leave it out for before un-molding? I meant to say I left it in the fridge (not freezer) for 1 hour. My recipe 28 grams of mango butter...
  6. E

    Lotion Bars

    These are actually lotion bars.
  7. E

    Lotion Bars

    Thank you! It was too soft which means I need more beeswax. Everything else felt great though.
  8. E


    I will start taking photos moving forward. Thank you. I just made one with Beeswax Mango butter Sweet almond oil Jojoba oil. I’ll post a pic of it in about an hour after it’s done being in the fridge 😬
  9. E


    Hi all! Excited to make friends on here and get some helpful tips and insights. I have started making some massage bars and soaps. First attempt came out great but all other attempts have been fails. It would crack when un-molding. (Lotion bars) I’ve found some good info on here and I will...